i still remember so clearly. december 20th a cold thursday night. i braced myself for the last episode of banana fish. and when i saw it was +40 minutes long? i knew i was going to get fucked up. and i did. i cried so fucking much i didn’t even care that i had tears and snot dripping down on my face. honestly every episode of BF was like a punch ......
Come on!!!! This question is ...... TOO DAMN HARD!!!!! Harder than any midterm and final exams!!! Cause I have many top favorite manga My loved mangas in no particular order (cause this is hard to answer) Blue Sky Complex Escape Journey and almost all Ogeretsu Tanaka mangas especially renai rubi no tadashi Junketsu drop What lies in the end Ha......
Does anyone else feel that dull ache and emptiness after finishing a heavy ...