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Sabrina413 October 31, 2017 10:22 am

You won't believe this, I'm so dumb I didn't notice Shizuka and Kohane-chan married and the 100+ years passing stuff and tought Sayaka was Shizuka and I even read all xxxHolic Reí chapters still thinking he was Shizuka, and now I'm so shocked I'm honestly wondering if I'm dreaming... Can someone (if it's not a bother) please tell me when did Shizuka stop showing and was "replaced" by Sayaka? And when did it show(?) that he and Kohane-chan got together? I'm so confused help me please. ;-;
P.s.: Despite me being this dumb, I REALLY loved this series. Definitely one of my favourites.
P.s.2: Sorry if my english's bad, if something I say is not understandable please tell me.

    Kluna December 13, 2017 3:24 am

    They didn't show when Shizuka and Kohane got together nor when Sayaka took over. Since they didn't show it, I assumed Shizuka's son took over after he was old and then Sayaka took over. Clamp didn't really tell us how much time had pass so it was confusing for me too.

    Arashi August 17, 2018 4:55 pm

    ok now im confuse. i know that's not doumeki shizuka on the last chapter, but where did they say his name is sayaka and not shizuka? im re-reading the manga and cant find it.

    Kluna August 19, 2018 12:31 am

    I believed they say his name in XxxHolic Re.

    Krez Grozav November 9, 2018 10:00 pm
    I believed they say his name in XxxHolic Re. Kluna

    What chapter is it in re? I cant seem to find it. All this time i believed that re is happen somewhere in between where 100 years pass. After all himawari is still mentioned in the series. She even call watanuki. Even in his dream it is shizuka that is with him

    Kurugiri-san May 11, 2020 11:31 pm

    WAIT WHAT???
    it's the seconde time I read it and it's just when I read your comment that I did noticed..... I'm officially dumber than you
    I'm shook(⊙…⊙ )

    Cloverfr February 17, 2021 4:19 am

    I think they probably married a time after Kohane was trying on clothes, it did seem for a ceremony or something, in the OVA is mention the time in which they married, its around the request from the professor.

    I don't think we see Shizuka's son, we see his grandson instead, to shows how MUCH time has passed on, it was around the time when Watanuki was having the butterfly's dream, my heart SUNK when I realized that wasn't Shizuka :(

    Also, worth mentioning, Shizuka and Kohane married in order to protect their most important person, the one they love, and to create a bloodline that will forever stay with Watanuki as he won't age and will have a long long long life.

    Krez Grozav February 17, 2021 5:01 pm

    Now we'll prolly have generations of Doumeki's with the same face
    It's been years since I got hooked in this series and I still love it.

    Biggest question now is when will the series end and will it ever get to be translated

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