People get really really mad when people post positive or negative comments. Like your not allowed an opinion without a fight.
If it’s positive and people don’t agree they put you down l,
If it’s negative they say you shouldn’t read then.
It’s not like the authors can read replies from this pirate site but are people just arguing for fun or is it always going to be like this?
If I like it, then I like it. Why does it make me s bad person? It can be bad and I still like it.
If I don’t like it then I don’t but why does that mean I can’t read it??? I want to see if it gets better. I have hope

That’s usually how people are and that shouldn’t stop you from commenting your because you have the right to voice your thoughts.
I think sometimes people feel that they’re being personally attacked when someone disagrees with them so they get defensive. And if that’s the case then being a snowflake is their own problem and something they need to fix. So don’t worry about people like that and just keep being you <3

I’m just glad that we are all online strangers lol
I’ve had someone try to attack bases on a joke I made to my friends that he thought was about him even though I didn’t know him and had never interacted with him.
At least you can block online and move on.
Thanks for the pick me up! I just wanted to vent
I hate getting notifications and it’s just someone re-adding the entire manga/webtoon. Most of the time it doesn’t add or fix anything. It’s just pointless and I wish people would stop. It also messes up your bookmarks, especially if they deleted the previous chapters.
They re-add the whole story before updating it, why??? Just update it?? I genuinely don’t get it and it’s been happening for YEARS
I doubt it doesn't change anything, uploaders don't have that much time on their hand They are probably uploading a better quality for new readers
this. i hope the admins hear u out
Except most of the time It’s worse or the same. Some times it’s even missing pages. Again this has been happening for years. Barely ever is it actually better and so looked just to see if it was.
It helps sometimes but usually if the quality does improve they delete old chapters. But now they just have a story double in length not adding anything