So Zenovia was originally an angel? And got sent down to the world and the whole hero thing happened? Or she became an angel after the hero thing?

Or did I misunderstand the whole thing?

Yeh I feel bad for Blondie and understand why he did what he did but he really should've thought things through and finished things properly. Cuz of him plans went haywire ╥﹏╥

Aynat Rae created a topic of Profundis

Babe? BABE????!!!!

Aynat Rae asked a question

Recommend me a office/law/entertainment agency etc bl story please!
Been reading stuff like 'the new employee', 'swapping', 'limited run' etc and I've been desperate for more (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Aynat Rae asked a question

Guys help me find this old cartoon
I'm pretty sure its ancient and its Japanese or Chinese? The mc is like this young boy (typical Asian cartoon boy ig) and he's in a red and white suit? Pretty sure he had a jetpack or something?
Sorry if the info I gave is shit, memories from my childhood are nothing but a blur ╥﹏╥

Aynat Rae created a topic of Jungle Juice

Bury her down in the deepest parts of hell!!

Aynat Rae created a topic of Codename Anastasia

The panel where Zhenya went 'hah' as he shoved it in, you can see his crazy ass eyes.

That's really confirmed for me that his screws aren't just loose but are missing. His marbles are fully lost. He ate all the bananas. He is not sane and how on God's green earth is he the ML?????? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

MC I hope your next life is much better than this one. Hope you survive with your mentality and body intact

Aynat Rae created a topic of Eleceed

Ofc it was Kayden's fault! Dw Guestella, you'll get your chance to date him soon!! Maybe Jiwoo will be the key to that?

Aynat Rae created a topic of Slammer Dogs

Mr Uncle here seems like bad news, let's hope he doesn't stick around for long

Usually I would never target family, but I think this is an exception. Next time I see that so called father, he better be missing his head or I'll do it myself (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Aynat Rae created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

With the last side story I don't have high hopes that this will actually be all fluffy and wholesome. But istg it needs to be for my mental health ╥﹏╥

Aynat Rae created a topic of Under the Green Light

Guys what do we say? On a count of 3.
1, 2, 3, "Thank you Jin!"
I really hope he gets his ass handed to him

I can't! They're just too cute ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

It's was too good for it to just be 10 chapters!! Wish we had more! Love to see more of Brian and his 'hobby', more of the married couple, more of Kahim and especially more of Konrad and Fabian! Also wished we got more world building cuz the way it was done in the first chapter was excellent! From what I've read so far it was somewhat original, yes it has the guide verse but it's different from the usual ones!
10/10! Wished it had more chapters tho ╥﹏╥

Aynat Rae created a topic of Peerless Dad

I was slightly disappointed by the way they introduced the FL but I didn't mind it at the end. Love the characters designs! And especially the story aside from some small bits. I loved the way we got to see the children and their father grow.
10/10 in my opinion!!

It's the fucking size of a forearm. You might as well start fisting him at this point! (/TДT)/

Aynat Rae asked a question

Not sure if it's an anime or manhwa but there's this guy who keeps headbutting his opponents and that's the only detail I remember ( ̄∇ ̄")

Aynat Rae created a topic of PASSION

I think everyone (characters AND readers) should have a group therapy session. ( ̄∇ ̄")

Aynat Rae created a topic of My Bias Appeared?!

I have read too many manhwas where the ML uses MC to get their revenge and expected this to go down the gutters but I'm so glad it didn't! 20/10!!

The misunderstanding has me cackling like a witch and everyone was so cute! Especially Eunsung! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Aynat Rae asked a question

I had asked this question before and I wanna ask if again for more advice,

Few days ago I had my wifi changed from Vodafone to virgin media. Since then I couldn't access MRM and any illegal sites where you can watch movies. Others had said that it had to do with my phone but I can access them fine with my mobile data. I have tried to access the sites on my laptop as well but it didn't work. I could try to use a VPN but not sure about it since Ive heard rumours. Got any other ideas as to why this is happening and how to solve it?

I'm mostly thinking that my wifi is blocking out those sites but I'm confused as why it isn't blocking this site. Not really educated on this stuff as I'm not the one who usually deals with the wifi in the house