AnimeLover75 June 23, 2020 7:56 pm

Call me crazy but I wanted Chiwoo to end up with Jihyun. Maybe it's true that Jihyun did not deserve Chiwoo and some people may argue that their relationship was toxic and that may be true to some extent, but there are also many instances that show how much Jihyun truly loved Chiwoo. To be honest, I did not like Kyujin much at all so my opinion may be biased. But Jihyun did what he did out of his own twisted form of love - which was true love to be honest. Kyujin just fell in love with Chiwoo at first sight and thus began showing him kindness which he might not have had he not fallen in love. In other terms, you could also say he's love was based on looks as he had not even known Chiwoo much at all back then. On the contrary, Jihyun's love was very much true and originated from a sense of friendship, care and support. He may have chosen to show his love in maybe not the healthiest manner but that's because he didn't know better.

At one instance, he tells his father that the apple does not fall far from the tree and we've already seen that he's father was an abusive man and hit him on several occasions so it's safe to assume he didn't exactly have the most healthiest of upbringings. He even tells Chiwoo that he does not feel like going home which shows the lack of empathy he faced at home. He chose to seek shelter in Chiwoo's kindness which Chiwoo showered him plenty with. And so it makes perfect sense that he would feel so strongly towards him, I mean I would too if I were him, who wouldn’t right? He may be big and strong but he was just a kid at heart who grew completely attached to the first thing that showed him love and kindness. Jihyun may also be rich and have an extremely big house but Chiwoo was the one who gave him the warmth of a home. He didn’t have any friends so Chiwoo gave him the gift of true friendship so its only natural that he would come to love him soo deeply because Chiwoo gave him the love he so badly craved.

Finally, Jihyun’s way of behaving towards Chiwoo in their final moments before they break up may have definitely been inappropriate but that could be because he kept making his feelings known to Chiwoo but Chiwoo never responded. And no, I am in no way empathizing with his behavior. What he did to Chiwoo was absolutely wrong and nothing could change or rectify that. But if being more patient was the issue just as Kyujin had been patient and persistent in his quest to obtain Chiwoo, Jihyun had been plenty patient, he patiently kept making his feelings known to Chiwoo for years spelling it out loud and clear to him every time. It’s possible that if Chiwoo had accepted his feelings then maybe he would never have acted out like that. After all Chiwoo liked him back too and so it makes me wonder why Chiwoo never reciprocated Jihyuns feelings back despite knowing how he felt towards him for a long time. Only if Chiwoo had accepted him, they could’ve had a much happier ending and Jihyun wouldn’t have turned out that way. He was deeply in love with Chiwoo and his obsession blinded him from rationality and so he did all those things which he never would have had to if he couldv’e been with Chiwoo or only if Chiwoo gave him acceptance. He might have turned out for the better.

And lastly, when he finally regretted everything he did and cried his heart out and apologized and confessed to Chiwoo, that was soo heart-breaking. He begged him to not leave him and that he would change for the better and wait for him to forgive him but Chiwoo instead asked him to leave and never forgave him in the end. Eventually Chiwoo got his happy ending together with Kyujin but Jihyun never got a happy ending. I know from the type of person he was that till the very end he could not and would never give up on Chiwoo. Chiwoo moved on but Jihyun got stuck in the past because he could never get over Chiwoo. In the end he was the only one left with misery while Chiwoo and Kyujin got a happy ending. Somehow this just doesn’t sit right with me. I wish he could’ve ended up with Chiwoo. Thats the only way he could’ve ever been happy. As for Kyujin, I’m sure that after a few years he would’ve gotten over Chiwoo especially since he also had a loving family. Whereas Jihyun never had any love from his family or anyone else and truly only loved Chiwoo.

Well this is all just my opinion but I’m just really sad to see Jihyun having to be the one to end up alone :(

    『FujoshiQueen』❤ July 8, 2020 10:59 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! Omotxla

    Couldn't say it any better...

    ManhwaAddict July 21, 2020 11:18 am

    Have you ever though that the reason chiwoo never reciprocated jihyun's feelings were because chiwoo knew jihyun and how he acted. This is just an if, but if chiwoo did say yes to dating jihyun. Wouldn't jihyun pressure chiwoo into having sex with him or force himself on chiwoo? Like I can see that happening with jihyun because he was such a cruel, and manipulative bastard. Chiwoo was smart in not replying back. With how jihyun acted, their relationship could've never gotten beyond a friendship.

AnimeLover75 June 23, 2019 5:41 pm

I guess today's the day I shed rivers of water as I sit drowning in my own tears and sorrow. I cannot thank you enough Sorachi-sensei. Thank you forever and thank you for giving us the life we wouldn't have experienced without Gintama. Thank you all my comrades and partners in crime for keeping up with this amazing masterpiece. I open my mouth but words fail to come out when I try to describe the rollercoaster of emotions I felt in this wonderful journey of happiness, joy, sadness, tragedy and alas I feel like my silver heart has been broken, but my silver soul continues to live on every single day remembering the adventures shared with Gintama. After years of trolling, I cannot comprehend the fact that its finally over, Never thought I'd live to see the day. But as they wisely quoted in episode 209, " Nothing Lasts Forever, including Parents, Money, Youth, Your Room, Dress, Shirts, Me, You, and the Gintama Anime" and after 8 long years, it finally hits the mark sealing the deal!!!!

At the end of this beautiful journey, I'd especially like to call onto our favorite friends and cast of Gin-san, Hijikata-san, Kagura, Sogo, Shinpachi, Kondo-san, Otae-san, Kyubei-san, Takasugi, Zura, Sakamoto, Mutsu, Tsukuyo, Isaburo-san, Nobume san, Yamazaki and Shoyo-sensei (my sad baby Utsuro), thank you all for being more friends to me than any friends I know. Thank you for making me laugh more than anyone else I know did and thank you for making me cry more tears of sorrow than my exams did. You may be gone but never forgotten. With these words, I bid you farewell, until we see you again. Sayonara my love, my life and most importantly my irreplaceable friends!!!!

AnimeLover75 May 28, 2019 10:42 am

This chapter was truly a masterpiece and it was just sooo sad. It hit me right in the kokoro. It brought to light the true bond and feelings between gintoki and takasugi. That even though they always quarreled and bickered with eachother, deep down they always held each other with great importance. And the saddest part that because Takasugi suffered so much after witnessing Gintoki's teary face as the last thing he saw with his left eye, Gin-san despite feeling so sad had to hold back his tears and put on a smile for Takasugi so that at least the last thing he's right eye sees before closing is Gintoki's smiling face is just toooo sad for me. Gintoki held in his tears till after Takasugi closed his final eyes and send him off with a smile just so he can shed tears over Takasugi's dead and cold but happy face is just unbearable.

Evene though I always knew that Takasugi would eventually die at the end ( seeing as though he was made that kind of tragic character and all the events were eventually building up to his death), it was still so sad to actually see him die and even more sadder that he died in Gintoki's arms, this made it all the more sad and meaningful. I don't exactly remember so I may be wrong but i think Takasugi is the first person to die so dearly in Gintoki's arms. Also really sad that Takasugi could not see his other friends before passing on. Like there was no Zura and Sakamoto. He died all alone with only Gintoki seeing him during his final moments. That is so tragic yet so beautiful and I couldn't love it any more than I already do.

    meeno May 28, 2019 2:10 pm

    The others being there was not as important as just Gin being there at his final moments. It was always about the two of them and their bond as children.

    AnimeLover75 May 29, 2019 4:43 pm
    The others being there was not as important as just Gin being there at his final moments. It was always about the two of them and their bond as children. meeno

    I know what you mean but I still think that his other friends should have gotten a chance to see him. I mean Zura and Sakamoto also valued him greatly as a friend and Zura never stopped calling him his comrade till the end (while he was always on good terms with Sakamoto but never mind him because its Zura I am more sad about) also because the three of them came here together , Katsura is in the same place just fighting someone different and after all the times and memories they spent together and especially because Zura and Takasugi were friends before they even met Shoyo sensei and Gintoki, so I think Zura at least deserved to be by his side in his final moments, I would have loved to see Zura shed some tears for Takasugi as well especially since he's never seriously cried throughout the series as well. But of course, I understand that the main bond lied between Gintoki and Takasugi and I'm not saying that I was unsatisfied in any way. His last moments even with only Gintoki were as beautiful as ever could be and I wouldn't ask for anything more, but I am just stating my feelings that's all. I just wished that Takasugi also got to enjoy at least a bit of his time in happiness with his friends but of course being the sad character he was, he met with his most tragically beautiful death leaving us all so sad and empty

    meeno May 30, 2019 4:44 am
    I know what you mean but I still think that his other friends should have gotten a chance to see him. I mean Zura and Sakamoto also valued him greatly as a friend and Zura never stopped calling him his comrade ... AnimeLover75

    It would have been a great ending to have had them all together at the end to make their peace with each other. But, sadly it did not happen. You are right that the other two should have been there. I guess Ape San felt differently.
    Now i am hoping for a stellar final episode to end what has been of the best series i have ever read or will ever read.

AnimeLover75 September 13, 2018 5:59 pm

Guys, The manga ending in just 5 chapters was a troll!!! Sensei trolled us again but God, I'm so happyyy to hear that , I've never been so happier before by getting trolled as much as I'm for now.
Check it out :

    UnicornPie September 14, 2018 1:02 pm

    Same hon!!
    It just couldn't end halfassedly like this!
    That's our sorachi-sensei

    gigiv. September 14, 2018 6:32 pm

    i knew it (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ he can't just finish gintama (▰˘◡˘▰)

    AnimeLover75 September 15, 2018 10:14 am
    i knew it (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ he can't just finish gintama (▰˘◡˘▰) gigiv.

    But he got us all good didn't he? Well he trolls us all everytime and we just when we're about to believe him all sad again, he trolls us yet again but couldn't love him more for that (▰˘◡˘▰)

AnimeLover75 August 25, 2018 11:59 am

The king of gorillas is backkkk!!! Kondou san is finally back to his beloved shinsengumi and his Toshiiii and sogoo. Finally all the pieces have come together. Sakamoto and Takasugi and Zura and Gintoki of the Juoi four AND sogo, kondou and Toshiro Hijikata of the shinsengumi....all have come together to their respective people.....all thats left now is their rendezvou finally putting all the pieces together. Really hoping to get some more Toshi and Gin action moving forward <3 <3 <3 Still can't accept the fact that Gintama is coming to an end in just 4 or 5 more chapters heart can't take it....Love these guys soo much ( ̄へ ̄)

AnimeLover75 August 5, 2018 9:19 am

Poor Kondou san , he's stuck in a never ending loop of UHO UHO UHO. I can never get over how all his UHO's always gives the opposite notion of what he really wants to say. Well lets all hope that his UHO UHO UHO somehow gets him out of this mess so he's able to return to his beloved family (shinsengumi ) on earth UHOOOOOOOO

AnimeLover75 July 28, 2018 11:50 am

OMG the shinsengumi is back!!!!! nothing could ever make me happier!!!! I've been waiting for their reunion from the very start (especially Toshi and Sogo as their interactions never fail to ever amuse me...its the bestttt) and now they've come together to fight for the Yoruzuya ....I feel so blessed to be able to see this dayyyy ....I feel like everyday of my life has become worthwhile just waiting for them to get together like this!!! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Anonymous July 28, 2018 3:57 pm

    yeah right haha me too. Atleast sogo didn't try to kill Toshi anymore. I love Hiji so much. He's always too cool and badass as hell but here once again standing before his united organization and issuing orders once again like the demonic vice-chief is something only he can do. He's sooooo coooool and I loved him so much in this chapter but I hope they can get kondo san back too

    AnimeLover75 July 28, 2018 4:02 pm
    yeah right haha me too. Atleast sogo didn't try to kill Toshi anymore. I love Hiji so much. He's always too cool and badass as hell but here once again standing before his united organization and issuing orders... @Anonymous

    I love the one no fukchou too much too. But your right...he looks exceptionally cool while redressing up as the shinsengumi vice commander once again and issuing orders like a boss and also his face while saying that he'll look for the yoruzuya was so touching and priceless. Also agreed that sogo back on Hiji's side is one of the best things ever. (▰˘◡˘▰)

AnimeLover75 July 22, 2018 10:55 am

Takasugi, Zura and Gintoki working together just like good'ol times in the war is such a treat plus all their humorous fighting amongst themselves is pure gold..Ahem let me correct myself ,I mean pure no for the sake of this should be pure white!! I still cannot tell what direction the manga is headed but a masterpiece is always a masterpiece and no less to be expected from the greatest masterpiece ever I have no complains , just so glad to know that the shinsengumi and the juoi patriots were all in on it....nothing could make me happier (▰˘◡˘▰)

    AnimeLover75 July 28, 2018 11:21 pm

    Hahaha Thanks pal. From Gintama we've all learnt that silver is always better than gold but nothing more pure than pure white!! (▰˘◡˘▰)

AnimeLover75 July 14, 2018 11:09 am

With Prime Minister Donald Zurump gone, finally the good'ol Zura is back!!! I knew he couldn't be dead and with all this conspiracy in the air, I can no longer tell is Takasugi is good or evil anymore but atleast Zura is back in Gin sans side which is definitely a good thing. The only thing thats better than a Prime Minister Donald Zurump is a Joui Patriot Zura (▰˘◡˘▰)

    UnicornPie July 15, 2018 12:57 am

    Yea but even tough i knew that zura couldn't die like that my heart still skipped a beat looking at those camera's images ( ̄∇ ̄") losing our zura it's really a scary thing

    AnimeLover75 July 15, 2018 6:40 am

    Hahaha yeah exactly ....even though I knew there was no way Zura could just simply die like this, but when I read that part, I was. like "no freakin way right !??!" and just skipped through the rest of the chapter to make sure it wasn't true....hah then I only finally breathed a sigh of relief when I finally saw him alive and well. Yeah simply losing a lovable idiot like Zura is indeed a very scary thing. I also so glad the hilarious mustache is finally gone and we can once again welcome our good'ol Zura back (▰˘◡˘▰)

AnimeLover75 July 8, 2018 1:19 pm

Awww Kagura's reunion with gin san is so touching...the way she calls out to him Gin chaaan after soo long and Gin sans first instinct to turn back and protect her in the blast is just so like their good'ol relationship <3
Also finally a Zura VS Takasugi.....or just another troll!! (▰˘◡˘▰)

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