Have you ever found yourself sad when you read a BL with slice of life genre? Like them marrying, getting old, dying with old age? I feel a little bit sad after I read them it's just I though of life. I'm scared of my family getting older and me being alone.
Have you ever felt that?
yes. that was Tale of the Yellow Dragon I read that ONCE it took me so long to finish because I couldn't stop crying and had to take long breaks to forget what happened in the previous chapter, I would never reread it until I completely forgot about it .....i actually can't rmb what it's about I just know it hurt me so bad
Have you ever read a manga/manwha/manhua that wants you to travel where the author is and slap them for the character they created who cheats and acts like a victim?
Like they disregard it without explaining, but when the other party saw someone with their partner they all get jealous even though they are just with someone they tutor, or someone they know.
The other couple there has an alpha that I wanna castrate. Does that count?
What? You have no one so you'll be with him? Why not die to let him know what does it feel to lose someone important