Still trying to figure out what the value of making ars a reincarnated person is. We also see other precedents of special abilities, so it's not out of the ordinary for ars to just be a regular child with appraisal ability. What does him remembering his past life have to offer in his current life? He doesn't bring any of the knowledge of his old world into the new, so wouldn't it have been better to just let ars be a kid and go with "fantasy" genre instead of "Isekai"?
Same question. Like I don't see the appeal of it being "isekai". Tho it's a fun read, they can just make ars a smart and mature kid. They don't need to be Isekaid just for them to be mature and smart y'know. Like don't get me wrong, I love the story and how it is progressing. I just don't see why it's Isekai
is so hard when you know that ep20 is out: https://www.weibo.com/1298062017/P1KMmbMHC?pagetype=profilefeed
it's ending soon too...