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Anidict13 created a topic of You Who Wants to Love

Is his carnivorous energy from his wolf dad? Is he a hybrid?? Or am I just stereotyping personalities to their AS too much?

And honestly, I think if there's someone who should be held accountable here, it's Natsuki. Teacher didn't treat Natsuki weirdly/pervertedly when he was 5. He treated Natsuki like how he treated every other kid. It's Natsuki who became obsessed that even after 15 years, he chose to return to the teacher's life and actually act on his lust, gaining the teacher's trust under the pretense he's still an innocent cute boy.

Now honestly, Mika shouldn't have tolerated Natsuki's clingy (clingy to his boobs) behavior as someone who's supposed to have a moral and respectable role as a teacher, and 10 years and more Natsuki's senior. But I just can't agree he groomed Natsuki when there's a bigger possibility that Natsuki always had the innate tendency to be obsessive, calculating, and stalker-y.