Are we deadass right now… can’t this mf keep his dick in his pants for two goddamn seconds?
These placeholders getting me all excited for nothing
The delusion is killing me , Jigu needs to get drunk again or something and just confess already
I half expected him to be completely bald he looks like a cliche second ml knight character now but it’s still… something!
I’m still pissed they did it again after all of the disrespect, but I’m glad that Dan is atleast not giving into his bullshit and is drawing a line between them. He deserves so much better than Jaekyung
A WIN IS A WIN!! Time to prepare for 20 chapters of denial and miscommunications probably
Oh hell no. He should’ve just died instead of losing his memory, he’s so insufferable and audacious
What the actual hell, if I was Dan id file a restraining order immediately thats lowkey terrifying
She ain’t becoming shit both her and the emperor can get skinned alive
Did NOT expect that but I need more immediately (or just any progression with their relationship PLEASE)
I have a weird feeling something bad is going to happen to them , God I hope not
He almost drowned and jaekyung is still immediately acting like a spoiled brat who’s going to get the world handed to him . I don’t know how they’re planning to redeem him or if they’re just going to continue to romanticize this toxic behavior.