Maybe that awful necklace is what will save shuri from the incest accusations! We all hate to think about it, but maybe shuri's going to have to pretend she loves theobald.
The necklace is just the proof she needs to save her & the family from the trial! If she pulls it out at the trial, the necklace screams "I'M THEOBALD THE CROWN PRINCE'S LOVER!!!" (as it usually does), and with his enthusiastic approval, nobody would dare to question their love. It would save everyone and their honor, but at what cost? She'll have to pretend to date the prince, whom she feels no attraction towards. Of course, it's a price she's willing to pay, after all, it wouldn't be the first time.
But Jeremy and Nora would hate it, knowing just what kind of man he is. But Jeremy's hands would be tied, he can't go against his mother dating theobald since it would spark the accusations again. But Nora could, which would probably start a love corner similar to what ludvika had.
Thus finishing the pining arc and start the love arc.
Dn what would happen from there, but you got the idea.
For those of you who want to pull the "tldr" card, here you go:
Shuri: "I couldn't have fucked my stepson because-" pulls out the necklace theobald gave her "I WAS FUCKING THE CROWN PRINCE!"
* audioable gasps from the crowd *

So far (ch3) she told him to wait/hold on 6 times, no/don't/I don't like this 16 times and refused his proposal 3 times, and not once has he even tried to listen.
Really? Is this how girls work? We say "no" and that means "fuck me harder daddy"?
HATE how he belittles her for even thinking she has a choice in this.
And after all this he DARES to say "I can't live without you!!!!1!1!!!"
And personally I'm answering in her stead: "then perish."

שוקולד לבן לא עשוי מקקאו
העלילה משעממת
חברים הכי טובים??? אתם ליטרלי נשואים
הכל הולך לה ממש קל
יש לזה נטייה לעשות אי הבנות ממש מעצבנות ואז לפתור אותן בשנייה ואני לא יודעת איך אני מרגישה בנוגע לזה
למה שוקולד רגיל היה לא פופולרי? לפי מה שהבנתי, השינוי היחיד שהיא עשתה זה שהיא הוסיפה אותו לקפה
קפה זה אוברייטד
התרגום גרוע

White chocolate is not made from cocoa
The plot is boring
best friends??? You are literally married
Everything goes really easy for her
It has a tendency to make really annoying misunderstandings and then resolve them in a second and I don't know how I feel about that
Why was regular chocolate unpopular? From what I understand, the only change she made was that she added it to the coffee
Coffee is overrated
The translation is bad
Honestly this isn't nearly enough, this man reached rock bottom ages ago, dug to hell, beat up Satan's wife, took Satan's hornes and then used them to keep digging.
I need him to hate himself
I need him to believe he doesn't deserve to live
I need him to cry until the hiccups don't let him breath and his whole face burns for hours
And I need everyone to know EXACTLY how pathetic he is, how actually useless and pointless he really is.
But they're probably just gonna fuck and Dan will go "oh you're actually everything I need ily" and let him off the hook forever and ever and we're supposed to find that romantic/hot
adding my prayers to this, dear god i need the groveling arc to crush him before author even considers a reconciliation arc let alone a romantic one.
i'll be so disappointed if kim dan starts blushing when this fuck nugget shows the bare minimum decency while still acting like the world owes him.
first paragraph got me CHOKING LMAO
i disagree
he should just die
and dan gets a new man who respects him
I read mingwas last series and
should he rot in hell,
amen amen
should doc open his eyes
oh my oh my
If it's anything like BJ Alex, this guy won't suffer that much except for his pride
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭. And that has just started.
I nope KD will be less lethargic in the next chapters
ikr, I was waiting for some amazing chasing arc cause the author said so before, but then I remembered the "chasing arc" on BJ Alex and LOL
Man, being a little hater isn't like me, what are these gay men doing to me?
Blame it on jk he brings it out of everyone