MeowCat created a topic of Ygret

This isn't an ending. This is someone deciding "this is the last chapter" hours before the chapter was due to be published and the author hurriedly tacked on a few panels so it doesn't end in the middle of the story.

I say we give red-head a couple more wacks with the shovel. Just to be extra sure he's got the message.

Gozu's parents might've been good people but they were also shit parents. I hope Gozu can eventually realize that and stop feeling like he's the one that failed.

Uhhhh I was hoping Barbatos getting seriously injured would launch my ship but I think a different ship launched instead?

MeowCat created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

If this conversation ends with a breakup I don't think I'll be all that upset. Neither of them seems to be ready for the amount of emotional vulnerability that's necessary for this relationship to progress in a healthy way.

I thought the king's outrageous behavior was cause he was brainwashed. But turns out that he actually is a asshole. And stupid to boot. Guess that explains why no one was surprised when he bitch-slapped his daughter for suggesting he not start a formal gathering by screaming insults at the guest of honour.

MeowCat created a topic of Tyrant's Tranquilizer

Hope this girl doesn't find out the hard way that selling out another witch isn't going to win her friends.

MeowCat created a topic of Therapy Game Restart

I feel like the reason people here are so supportive of Minato is because despite him having a huge and incredibly toxic flaw he trys his best to overcome it. He is self-aware that he has a jealousy problem and does his best to not let it consume him. He's not perfect, but he's on the right path and he's doing his best.

Shizuma, on the other hand, still thinks his biggest issue is that he works long hours. The cafe scene is a perfect example. Shizuma is sitting there feeling like shit for trying to think of a lame excuse for being late, yet it never even crossed his mind that the actual issue is that he's unable to tell his boss he'd really rather get back to the clinic than watch them shove donuts down their pie-hole. Shizuma's trying his best, but he needs to figure out that his people pleasing is what's causing issues and start working on it. Until that happens it'll continue to be the biggest source of friction in the relationship.

"It doesn't do you any good to know about it in advance" sounds like another way of saying "Their fate is horrible and we want you to go in blind so when you're forced to do it you can't blame us for it cause you also did it."

MeowCat created a topic of Angelic Lady

MC: What on earth could the Empress' relationship with the high priest be?

<Portrait of Empress and High Priest side by side that shows they have the same hair, eye, and skin color>

Gee, I wonder what their relationship is...

At this rate the king is going to learn the hard way what a self fulfilling prophecy is.

So in Josephine's time of need a random popped up out of nowhere and promised her that she could keep her saint powers as long as she put this creepy amulet on her first born child. He even used the word "pact" to describe this transaction. Lady, that's just a standard 'sell your firstborn to a demon for power' contact but with extra steps! You freaking moron....

People keep complaining about the translations but I don't really think it's that bad. The sentences make sense in context. It's just the context is ... all over the place. I'd say the real problem here is actually the writing of the story itself. It feels very amateur to me. I like the story, it's interesting, but the author isn't the best at handing the complexity that they've put in.

MeowCat created a topic of Daisy(Lisabel)

I'm annoyed that it appears the spirit didn't tell the grandfather that the "bad ending" was the original end. The end that naturally happened because of his shit family management. The good ending only happens cause Daisy stepped in and fixed everything.

Also, telling someone the family is cursed *after* they have fallen in love is a dick move. No wonder his son was consumed by it.

MeowCat created a topic of Daisy(Lisabel)

Camillia being locked in an empty temple without any contact of other people is going to do *wonders* for her mental health. And since it appears Kilian is now head of house I suppose she's never getting out of there.

MeowCat created a topic of How to Be the Chosen One

Is Risa planning on determining how to fill out those documents by flipping a coin? The country is doomed.

MeowCat created a topic of The Lazy Swordmaster
MeowCat created a topic of Daisy(Lisabel)

I'm pretty sure what the author's going for with the grandfather's character is that he's suppose to be your typical patriarchal figure who's strict but fair and cares about his family very much in a traditional sort of way. The problem is that the grandfather's reacting to the family drama as if he has no idea what the hell the shit-duo has been up to despite the fact that it's practically public knowledge at this point that they're horrible people. So it comes across as either no one tells him anything and he's incapable of reading the room, or he's way too forgiving to the point of being delusional, or he's biased AF for shit-bro. None of those options make him a likable character.