I am sooo glad that Woo-in wasn't dumb enough to be tricked into spending time alone with the brother. Ukes intentionally walking into obvious and dangerous traps out of some misguided attempt to be morally upstanding is definitely on my list of 'Dumb Tropes I Hate Because They Are Overused Ways To Create Drama".
So a random guy shows up at the door, the main characters communicate about how he's approached both of them separately and claimed to know them yet neither of them remember him, and then they decide it's still a good idea to open the door and let a random guy in when neither has any clue who he is or what his motives are? Maybe it's because I'm female and have been taught to be overly cautious with weird people approaching me, but that seems like a really, really, bad idea.
Pickles on pizza? I've never heard that one before...
Right......cuz out of the whole story..this was the thing that stuck with me.....who in the actual f**k puts pickles on pizza
You don’t?? Damn this is so good (at least I love it meheh)
Omg I don't believe you
Best is little Caesars pizza with burger King pickles its soo good!
Okay now you're freaking me out