Plot: After his mother deserted them, senior high school student, Reo was living together with his m...
- Author: takarai saki
- Genres: Drama / Yaoi
James Potter x Snape...
- Author: mayu
- Genres: Doujinshi / Drama / Romance / Smut / Yaoi
A collection of James x Severus doujinshi....
- Author: mayu
- Genres: Doujinshi / Drama / Romance / School Life / Yaoi
From Blissful Sin:Track team member Kashiwagi Ayumu has put aside his secret feelings for his classm...
- Author: Itsuki Kaname
- Genres: Yaoi
Consists of 3 parts:I. Insufficint Word.II.III. Countermeasures for Heat.Characters/Pairing: Kurogan...
- Author:
- Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi
Hiding the fact of being gay for years, high school student Kaede has a thing for his friend, Okuda....
- Author: HINO Garasu
- Genres: School Life / Yaoi
Hiding the fact of being gay for years, high school student Kaede has a thing for his friend, Okuda....
- Author: HINO Garasu
- Genres: School Life / Yaoi
From Kiwimyweewee:A college student named Mitsuko works at his uncle's hostel. On his way from an er...
- Author: byaku kotora
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Supernatural / Yaoi
From Kiwimyweewee:A college student named Mitsuko works at his uncle's hostel. On his way from an er...
- Author: byaku kotora
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Supernatural / Yaoi
Pairings: Natsuki/Shou, Satsuki/Shou ...
- Author: unknown
- Genres: Doujinshi / One Shot / Yaoi
Pairings: Natsuki/Shou, Satsuki/Shou ...
- Author: unknown
- Genres: Doujinshi / One Shot / Yaoi
Pairing: Natsuki x Satsuki x Shou...
- Author: Doping Heaven
- Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi
Pairing: Natsuki x Satsuki x Shou...
- Author: Doping Heaven
- Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi
Pairing: Suzaku x Lelouch...
- Author: ASHI
- Genres: Doujinshi / Drama / Romance / Yaoi
Pairing: Suzaku x Lelouch...
- Author: ASHI
- Genres: Doujinshi / Drama / Romance / Yaoi
Pairing: Kagami x Kuroko...
- Author: inumog
- Genres: Doujinshi / Yaoi
The infamous doujin by Clamp based on the Stardust Crusaders arc of the long running series JoJo's B...
- Author: Mick Nekoi
- Genres: Comedy / Doujinshi / Fantasy / Romance / Yaoi
The infamous doujin by Clamp based on the Stardust Crusaders arc of the long running series JoJo's B...
- Author: Mick Nekoi
- Genres: Comedy / Doujinshi / Fantasy / Romance / Yaoi
From LuffyNoTomo:When Aizawa was little he used to enjoy being a bully and picking on Hidaka. Due to...
- Author: nishihara keita
- Genres: Comedy / School Life / Smut / Yaoi
From LuffyNoTomo:When Aizawa was little he used to enjoy being a bully and picking on Hidaka. Due to...
- Author: nishihara keita
- Genres: Comedy / School Life / Smut / Yaoi