Maira winget's experience ( All 0 )

Maira winget's answer ( All 1 )

about question
i rembr Bureau he was evrywhere later there was controvery about him being pe do & a bully who use to secretly bully a lot of users here & also Bureau "s friend Sujin who is also secretly a big bully & used to bully users & she was involved with some cofi link scam where she posted her kofi link & aked newbie users for money .lol both of them we......   1 reply
29 09,2024

Maira winget's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did can i get an amen

I mean I guess. Idk. Why are you asking me...

17 hours
did become mutuals on twitter

one time i thought a made a friend but then they just said "omg lets be mutuals" and i cried myself to sleep. why canf gay people be normal.

17 hours
did stay up too late reading yaoi

every day

19 hours