just that face hahahahaa really?? hahahaa lolz

oh wow bart is it you? ヾ(☆▽☆)

that same again, ''i'am hetero but i can have you" "you that are a homo" so stupid (he's a jerk off all jerks) and i don't think a real hetero can have seks whit a guy? i don't know i'am not a man :p

No they exist , i have a friend like that ,says its tight ( ̄∇ ̄")

There's this thing called gender fluidity. I know a straight guy with a girlfriend but he sells his body to others- men and women both. He's a real guy when he's with his gf but he still has sex with men. He said that he's not bi but gender fluid. So he acts according to his partners. It doesn't mean he's any less straight than other straight guys.
my feelings are telling me that that prik is gonne be friendly whit him :o and his memories are comming back ;o