They literally came in gloating about putting an unnecessary hit on one of Infernia’s only kin, dragged his heart on the floor like savages, and then expect Infernia to just GO ALONG WITH BEING GIVEN TO THIS GUY??
Like, Arnold can command whatever he wants to humans and his sons I guess, but what is his literal thought process for thinking the literal protector of the land, A LITERAL BIGASS FUCKING DRAGON, is going to go along with his whims, no questions asked. If anything, they should have thought ahead and maybe have been concerned that they way they went about EVERYTHING in that scene would alienate Infernia and cause him to be angry, whether it turned violent, or not.
Also, even if the bastard won this little competition thing, do they really think Infernia is going to just be chill with that? He’d rather either try to eat the bastard, or just chose to fly away and rightfully abandon the kingdom/hide till the Prince gets his lick back, rather than be made to be taken away from the Prince.
These assholes PMO, bc how arrogant are you??