Heairt created a topic of The First Commandment

“Thou shall not have any god before me” WOW what a hook I’m gagged I’m seated let the show burn

This is such a palette cleanser omg ID DIE FOR TOMA WE RIDE IF ANYTHINF HAPPENS TO HIM literally everything about this manhwa is cute. It’s all fluff fluff fluff and I couldn’t be happier. Tbh I don’t mind daiki he’s just a little stunted that’s all but he does show the MC love in different ways. I actually want more of him LOL I’d love to just see them all as a family more tbh instead of the new side characters. Not the bodyguards tho, keita and sho are the GOATS and I love them. They both fine as hell too. Cuteness overload genuinely…. The cuteness aggression I get is incomprehensible

Peak freak for freak relationship (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 beat Nathan’s shit amen also Martin and daphne are Mexican? YUHHH

Heairt created a topic of Drick's Heat

The blonde dudes outfit is just so perfectly slutty chefs kisss

I’m clawing at the walls for the next chapter FUCK

Heairt created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

Manhwa vs novel changes (please just read the novel) TLDR; andi gave the radio not corbyn, there were erased side characters, sixx doesn’t get kidnapped, corbyn was actually nice before I swear

It’s not as bad as last chapter but there are still some significant changes. I will thank the manhwa for making sixx fine as hell, Godspeed. BUT we did lose a scene where sixx wakes up shirtless so :/

1) Corbyn was NOT the one who gave the radio back to sixx. It was andi. Which sucks bc it gives sixx a closer relationship with andi and a reason for him to try and help out her hospital bills. It wasn’t mentioned in the manhwa (but again what is) but andi actually got better after they ran away, but she relapsed back into her sickness, and this time it was definite. That’s what made corbyn start dealing drugs. We wouldn’t need to change this scene in order to better establish corbyn’s character IF THEY JUST FOLLOWED THE NOVEL AND INCLUDED THE REVOLT SCENE. BC CORBYN WAS AN INCREDIBLY BIG PART OF THAT. We also lose the extreme personality change due to his desperation bc he is not an asshole like in the manhwa hes pretty sweet but changed due to stressful circumstances poor baby.

2) A character has been erased: Milo. A neighbor of letica, he a pretty helpful guy but not that plot important. What is important is how he set up the Mafia surrounding Chicago. Not literally but told sixx a bunch of stuff about them and how they’re dangerous. It is what corbyn struck a deal with in order to sell drugs on their turf and the whole reason SPOILER ALERT he disappears where sixx has to find him which leads to the biggest change.

3) Sixx did not get kidnapped. How in the world would he get kidnapped this manhwa is making him look incompetent he’s a wolf he’s not gonna wonder about someone following him with his accelerated senses? Please. Anyways, sixx actually goes and finds corbyn after he and him fight and then he’s gone for three days which deeply concerns him. Sixx goes and finds out through Milo who the boss of the area might be and goes to confront him. He tells six that corbyn has gone to this “party” and he can go to “pick him up”. Six is not stupid and knows that it’s most likely a trap but he really doesn’t have any choice does he, so he goes. Would that take more set up time and establishing the world more? Yes. Does this manhwa just want to finish at breakneck speed? Also yes. Unfortunately for everyone, no one wins bc it creates a shitty adaptation.

The ONLY reason I can see them doing this in order to minimize the side characters and their involvement is because they are pretty useless after this certain arc. My biggest gripe with the novel is how they essentially are ignored for most of the novel and how much sixx doesn’t rlly think of them. SPOILERS he reunited with Malone (shocker) and he’s happy to see him but it rlly does t excuse just how LITTLE the thinks about his supposed family. It’s mentioned here or there but they don’t rlly pop up after that other than small mentions until near the middle end which is unfortunate bc I actually liked them. Other than that though, not including them and their moments still suck bc they were 1) very cute 2) established the world more 3) feel like they have little connection to sixx and make them seem kinda flat bc we don’t know them much (poor letica you have so much lore they didn’t cover )

Anyways read the novel.

I jump and squeal in joy whenever this is updated I love them so much FUCK it’s also interesting seeing more of Brett’s personality. We’ve seen how he’s not as scummy as the other frat dudes and generally doesn’t fuck with stuff like that, but he’s still not a saint by being sort of a bystander. But it’s also not his problem and very telling that the Blondie is doing it by his own volition so

The translators fucked up and changed Brett’s name to Brad in one speech bubble

Heairt created a topic of unprecedented
Heairt created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

This is really long TLDR: Marlon is not bipolar and makes sense in the novel, there was an ENTIRE revolt scene skipped, and this manhwa sucks, read the novel it’s better (and less creepy imo)

Back with “what the fuck is this manhwa doing” where I compare the novel and the manhwa to keep myself sane trying to read this god awful adaptation:

Off the bat, marlon and six’s encounter. Literally why was it a flashback just play it normally there is no point in flashing back. In the novel, marlon still does choke six (poor baby) but there is much MUCH more lead up to it and more fighting than just six confessing and Marlon getting mad. Even when he refers to six being confused bc he saw him having sex, in the novel it’s portrayed as Marlon thinking it’s the first time six has been “excited” and is confusing that with love, but in the manhwa it’s played off as six feeling “pitiful” (??) for marlon?

Also in the novel, the whole REASON six confesses in the first place is because malon offers six to stay with him and leave the circus. The only reason six didn’t accept was because he felt like he wasn’t enough and that he felt that way because he cares a lot about Marlon and doesn’t feel worthy enough to stay by his side. That’s why it’s so confusing to Marlon why he confesses in the first place because he thinks that he is merely confused about his priorities. That six loves him but also wants to leave him, so that’s why he tells six there is no way he can love him. I also feel like the novel sets up marlon’s more violent nature and his unusual upbringing than the manhwa where he just seems so bipolar. Keep in mind, he’s a head of a mafia, he’s not going to be soft. Also, knowing his backstory, it makes sense why he’s so violent (not excusing it tho). Marlon also explains himself more than his cussing?? like ofc ppl are going to think he’s fucking insane when he acts like that. He’s much more logical and a realist in the novel.

You can argue as much as you want about whether it’s grooming or not, but I feel like in the novel it’s very explicit that Marlon is NOT interested romantically in the kid, it feels like he’s interested in how pure this kid is, more akin to raising a kid than trying to groom him for a relationship. Also WE LOSE SIX GOING BACK TO THE MANSION AND LEAVING A DAHLIA FOR MALON, that scene sets up a really cute one wayyy later on down the line ☹.

For argueably the biggest part that was skipped, the revolt against the circus master because what the fuck. Thinking about how much they skipped is pissing me off. The blonde girl letica and corbyn have been planning this revolt for a while now (which is another scene that was skipped when six accidently eavesdropped on them listening to his radio), and six comes back in the middle of them planning it (also we skip a really really cute reunion scene ☹). Basically the “mutants” of the circus have been fed up with the circus master and team up to set this whole place on fire. They are not sure to include six because he was so loyal to the master since he raised him, but since six was now determined to prove himself due to malon’s rejection, accepts. Also the fact that corbyn’s sister was deathly ill and the circus master refused to help her despite knowing he has the funds which was the biggest factor in radicalizing six against him. Blah blah blah viva a revolution, read the novel for more details, and they are able to leave.

The biggest reason I’m so mad at the removal of the revolt is because we establish and develop a bunch of close characters to six like letica and corbyn and how they are able to stay close afterwards. The only reason I can see this vital chunk removed was because the connection between those characters are kinda thrown aside after the I would say turning point of the novel, which is honestly my only gripe with it. Still, I can’t believe they would skip it just to get to the time skip when it develops so much shit. Ugh. Like I can keep going on about the changes, but this thing is already wayyyyyyyy too long.

If you are going to adapt a book but not like the uncomfortable parts, what is the point? Why skip so many vital parts of the pre-ts that establishes basically everything only because it is uncomfortable seeing the mc and ml be an adult and child. Spoiler alert, Corbyn and Six quite LITERALLY get human sex trafficked after the time skip, it’s not going to get better. See you again next week

Heairt created a topic of The Evil Ring
Heairt created a topic of Rocket Science Love

MINWOO you deserve better my love I hope you get your happy ending too I wish the author would make a side story or something damn

Heairt created a topic of Killer Peter

Please hot ceo don’t die

Heairt created a topic of Vesper

Close enough, welcome back Dimitri fire emblem three houses

Heairt created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

What in the world is this manhwa doing? The novel is so much better and we’re just flying through very important scenes. I really liked the novel so this is so frustrating so many changes and for what? I know a lot of ppl complain about novel to manhwa adaptations to be pretty slow but this is too fast! There’s so much development changed that are vital to these characters and it’s just a disservice to the original source. We’re missing the dance scene with malon and six and the whole confrontation with malon’s brother. Like we need to establish the hate malon’s brother has for six because it’s so vital later on and after six gets confronted he’s late to meet malon, but he doesn’t get mad and it shows malon having a soft spot for him which is in the manhwa, ig?? But it’s not as impactful

Like sure, the scene with malon and the women telling him to find her at midnight cause she has a vouyer kink can be skipped sure, but these other ones? What are we doing like it also makes more sense in the novel to how six is in the party unnoticed because originally he was supposed to be a waiter and that’s why it was so hard for him to see malon and more of a reason of why he’s late to meeting him. In a sense, it also parallels to a more fucked scene happens in the novel where he is at the whims of these rich people but instead of it being a sort of fun time, it’s torture to him. And it’s completely gone in the manhwa

Sorry for the rant I just really liked the novel and it’s so annoying how the manhwa is just changing these things. If your going to adapt a novel with very questionable morals as it’s main themes and not commit to it what is the point??? Like this novel gets into really heavy themes of exploitation and human trafficking so if you’re skimping on the lesser problematic things, are they just going to not commit to the heavier stuff as well? Idk man I’m just reading it bc I wanna see my baby six and malon

Heairt created a topic of Black Guardian

Does anyone know how to get the raws for this please (=・ω・=)

Heairt created a topic of Black Guardian

Same author as aethetic of unpleasantness? This gonna EAT

Heairt created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

Reading the raws and the artist starts to really twinkify the MC NOOOOOO like he becomes softer and a little smaller than before and it hurts my heart twinkifying MC’s is a epidemic that needs to be stopped

We love a bad ass bitch power bottom that ACTUALLY takes control of the situation kudos kudos he stands on business he better stand that way my king

Also the ML’s face in the mirror when the MC was washing their face was hilarious

Contrary to their dirty disrespectful sex, later on the two of them do get a safeword through unusual means

Basically (don’t quote me on this bc I mtl) during one of their more calmer fucks, I think Hayden mentions to Brett that if he calls him ”Honey” he’ll stop no matter what and Brett didn’t rlly believe him until Hayden went into a rlly bad rut and pushed Brett to the limit, like he was punching to stop it. He called it and it worked to his surprise. So yeah, if Hayden can stop his insanity with a safe word in rut SO SHOULD OTHER ALPHAS Hayden the goat