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Heairt created a topic of The Hunter's one night

So I read a little bit a head from the novel, essentially after this, MC goes through a bunch of dungeons over the course of 5 years, while at the beginning he would get injured, over time he was able to defend himself. During all of this, he would get letters from his brother, though he would never respond. A lot of ppl die around him, but he’s able to rank up in the military becoming a Sargent (? I think but like a higher up military person) and essentially is living kinda a shit life. Only reason he’s living is b/c of the letters.

This comes to a penultimate when a large ass dungeon pops up and MC volunteers to enter despite it being a death sentence. When he enters, him and the rest of the 20 or so team members realize that it locked them in and that they couldn’t leave until the boss was killed. Quickly many of the soldiers die, and it’s only MC and a Korean teacher (? I’m not sure). They are able to stay alive by killing the main monster of the dungeon (ants, the dungeon is basically a big ass ant hill) and gutting them, sleeping, and eating them. Both of them nearly go insane due to the fact they couldn’t tell time in the dungeon and they’ve been repeating the whole ant-sleep-eat-explore schedule for a long ass time. MC only stays sane with a letter he brought in.

Eventually, they realize they can’t keep doing this and challenge the Queen Ant, and while they tried, Korean teacher dies and MC nearly dies. That is until MC’s brother comes in and does the final blow to the boss.

It’s revealed the MC has been in the dungeon for 10 years and the brother became a hunter when the MC entered the dungeon. MC’s brother is a super high ranking hunter (a colonel I think) and tells MC that a lot has professed since he’s left, such as the discovery of inventories. MC is confused and hurt. Then MC’s brother rapes him . Then where it leaves off is the MC just happy to see his bro and being alive (though he’s sad Korean teacher is dead)

That’s all I could get from the chapters I found. Be cautious about this though b/c I did read off mtl. If you want to read the Korean novel it’s on bo0ktoki. It’s not that much ahead and I wish there were more chapters tbh the hunter setting got me hooked