Heairt created a topic of Driver's High

I love the sisters we need more sister rep in BL smh

Heairt created a topic of Black Guardian

SeuSeu writing style is immaculate like the little twist at the end of chapter 3? Eats down

JOCKSTRAP but also I love seeing a glimpse of Brettā€™s POV even if itā€™s nothing too substantial. Hayden in his view is very scary lemme just say and cold too with his responses/texts but give the fact heā€™s going buckwild in his rut, I can see why. Also love that Brett needed dick so bad he didnā€™t even bother changing after the airport I canā€™t, in the rain too.

Heairt created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

Genuinely, what the fuck

Heairt created a topic of Killer Peter

The tension is insane, Iā€™ll hit all your sensitive spots? You wonā€™t be able to handle it? Ok freak

Yk unrelated but Iā€™m so happy this shit was uploaded after the great comment ban of 2021, god the two-ish years we were unable to comment would be so sad for this manhwa bc I just love reading all the analysis shit on here itā€™s like the highlight of my day fr

Slowish chapter but am excited for the next lol, the author really knows how to make suspense with all this edging sheā€™s done. Also the callbacks are just so tastefully done. I love the Brett and alcohol symbolism/motif. How theyā€™re both Haydenā€™s firsts so to say and kind of a corrupting force in a sense, but at the same time alcohol is known to loosen people up and make things fun, which you can say is what Brett is to Hayden somewhat. The whole ā€œburning down your throatā€ callback is mwah, chefs kiss.

I want to know so bad about Haydenā€™s dream, I feel like thereā€™s so much you can take from it. From Hayden being on a stage with the stage lights shining on him to Brett being the only one watching, not even mentioning the blurred out words. Itā€™s such an interesting dream knowing that Hayden has no interest in being an actor, but in a way plays the role Brett puts him in. Itā€™s fascinating that this is what his subconscious brings up espc since this is a rut induced dream. I really canā€™t figure out the deeper meaning to it tho, Iā€™m stuck even so, this chapter is a lot of Haydenā€™s psyche which I enjoy even if it is very subtle

But on a less nerdy side of things, god Brett is so cute even when he looks incredibly fucked up by Hayden LMAO I love his attitude even after he had been brutalized lol. Also I hope Hayden knows how to clean well bc his house would fucking STINK i would not want to enter after his rut must be a pain to get out of the couch

Heairt created a topic of The Third Ending

AHAHAHHAHAHHHHHH my loves are back Iā€™m so excited. I love suit sex so Iā€™m so ready the next chapter needs to come faster

Heairt created a topic of Drick's Heat

I really really really want a time skip arc so bad like smtn bad happens after they fuck and it leaves them on bad terms or jahid runs away and the other dude becomes obsessed or whatever and theyā€™re enemies or smtn bc I need more drama, call me basic. But I wouldnā€™t mind if itā€™s fluffy I just want jahid to fulfill the dragons wishes all the way (I also donā€™t want this to end fast )

Heairt created a topic of Stranger in the Mirror
Heairt created a topic of Wolf in The Cage

Atp the only good part about the fast pace is that we can get to the side stories faster bc i NEED to see those smut scenes idc I need sixx in lingerie ASAP the sex they have near the end is so loving it makes me sick (itā€™s also hot as shit)

Heairt created a topic of Killer Peter


Heairt created a topic of To deny the route

My man karyan deserves a spin off bc heā€™s so fine for what

Heairt created a topic of Flip the script

NOOOOO im stupidly invested in this shit

GOD BLESS so excited for Haydenā€™s rut
And Brettā€™s jockstrap amen even if it will be hella violent

Heairt created a topic of Part-Time Partner

Close enough, Welcome back semantic error and crossing the line I missed you so

Heairt created a topic of Drunken my boss
Heairt created a topic of Drick's Heat

The plot is really fast paced, I hope thereā€™s like a timeskip and it slows down so this story can last longer bc Iā€™m actually so invested

Heairt created a topic of Drick's Heat


Heairt created a topic of Perfect Leash

Theyā€™re crazy I love it