whatevermans created a topic of Wet Sand

At this point it's hard to care about the story, I feel like author played me big time

whatevermans answered question about simp over yourself
no but if it's a common knowledge it explains why even the most deranged answers often have an upvote
whatevermans answered question about question
embarrassment doesn't get to me. cringe does. when the cringe level is off the roof i need to slam my hand on the table or scream a little bit. i am very cringe-sensitive. but it's gotta be real cringe not smth "embarrassing" like a k-pop idol giving thanks for the wrong award on stage. like i nearly cried of cringe when i watched the "hawaii-kawai......
whatevermans answered question about question
No, kids still would be here but it would be heavier on their soul
whatevermans answered question about question
as an artist I don't feel threatened bc I know my value, it's laughable to think that I can be replaced by AI, it's ridiculous, and i hope soon other artists will realize their value too (guys you are irreplaceable!!). i think AI is a great invention but as we all know with great power comes great responsibility and humanity has to learn to use it ......
whatevermans answered question about question
i am proud of my son Hongjoong
whatevermans answered question about question
the title alone gave me the heebie-jeebies i can't believe yall thirsty for him
whatevermans answered question about question
i said to my crush "when we meet irl i'm gonna kabedon you hard" (who was a guy/leaning towards nonbinary, idk what's his business now, and i'm a guy). he wasn't amused and was like wtf don't do that even though he showed that he liked me back in a tsundere way (not delulu i swear, idgaf abt him anymore). but still i think it was embarrassing mainl......
whatevermans created a topic of The Path Of Star

aww poor baby (-__-)' this manga is so real... breaks my heart reading comments like "mc is annoying" :'(

but fr what's in the box the girl's carrying?? My guesses:
1) figs
2) potatoes
3) abandoned kitten
4) dog poo
5) spare umblical cords
6) fake passports for n.korean escapees
7) nothing. the box is empty for absolutely no reason

whatevermans answered question about question
"It is better to be the last one among the lions than to be the first one among the hyenas"

Btw, so, he assumed that the girl went in for a dick appointment, right? Then what in his opinion was in that big ass box she was holding? did he think the girly brought a monthly condom suply or something I wonder

At least he didn't work nightshifts to buy him luxury figs and ML didn't throw the figs into the trash bin ig

whatevermans answered question about have a wild imagination
Ppl trying to relieve their conscience cuz they used to eat that shit up. now they are signaling to the world "i'm a reformed person". also some may feel bad about secretly liking bad shit so they feel they gotta go an extra mile to prove they are 101% not into that, not at all, nuh-uh
whatevermans created a topic of High Clear

Just bc you are fine with it doesn't mean everyone is, this comment section is so cursed rn

whatevermans answered question about question
i'm against public executions... Jesus said "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." OP you are probably hurt and sad even though you brought it on yourself. just get back on the right track, it's ok to make mistakes. you are probably a sad kid yourself trying to hurt another kid... I'll be the one who believes that you can......
whatevermans answered question about dating an older guy
you should ask that on reddit tbh, i really don't get why ppl would ask any serious questions on mngg knowing that there are literal babies crawling around talking about shit they don't know shit about pretending to be mature/wise
whatevermans created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

i hope Heejae tries licking smth else in the upcoming chapters (purely out of revenge ofc)