yaoi with a handsome stalker dude, who tries to give sweets to the uke (I think), but all I know fo sure is that near the end, the ukes house kept getting broken into but it turns out the perpatrator was a lesbian lady who thought her gf was (cheating? or thought he liked her) that or she mixed up the room numbers cuz her gf was the ukes neighbor. also the stalker seme decorated his room after the uke (or vice versa). ik this is very confusing but it's been a fat minute since I've read this. please,,,,help,,,

I need help finding a shoujo manga about a very pretty girl who just got her heart broke by an older guy (breakup words, unsure if text or in person, said "your sex appeal gives me heartburn", or something similar) then she gets confessed to by a very happy go lucky boy. The female lead is very pure, and if I remember correctly, before they start dating she goes to reject a confession and gets water poured on her to reveal her undergarments. please help! theres also a spider scene where they hide in a locker on a school fieldtrip and a spider goes into her bra, and the ml tries to get it but pinches her goddamn nipple instead
ngl mangago gotta be da only place where u can say “rape is bad” for one of the yaois and its fucking controversial
Ppl rlly be ready to fight the literal law on here the clownery
dude no shit i said that a 39 yo shouldnt date a 17 yo and got 29 likes n 60 dislikes like bro????? where was i wrong???
literally seen catfights over someone sayin “i dislike the rape in this” and that shit will get ratioed and start a 59 comment argument over how the rape was necessary to advance the plot like pack it up kevin spacey
Argument bingo:
"It's just fiction"
"It's in the tags, check before reading it"
"Then why did you read it?"
"Dude chill it's yaoi"
"Ugh why do you have to be so negative?"
Like personally I sometimes do seek out weird/bad stuff to read, but I don't know why people are bashing on those who dislike it or are feeling uncomfortable
u rlly listed out every counter point they say LOL, its insane how much they get irked by someone disliking rape in yaoi
girl what
Well. This is literally almost a porn site and people who spend most of their time in such places reading that kind of comic is either just for a quick fun time or maybe just bored or else idk
But tbh its not like the world is black and white and its not like we can point out 'the bad people easily' but through how they react to our opinions on such topics is how we perceive their views.
So um. I think lets just make ourselves better in life (self love self improvement and such y e a) and while on it we remind others too! Yes we may not help much but at least we are spreading the good vibes yey
Rip english
naw they just baiting, dw theres always weirdos like dat
omgggg I remember there was this one manga where this little kid had a crush on the mc woman and she started hanging out with him and blushing and shit and it was super weird and then when someone pointed out that she’s a groooomer there was a whole debate where people were literally arguing that love is love and age doesn’t matter bc it’s an innocent love or whatever like............ ok pedo
like imagine having that convo irl
absolutely mad
omg, was it that one manga with the yankee boy??? i remember reading a few chapters but i thought it was overall p weird
wtf?? i thought the authors at least followed the 18+ age limits... like that's the bare minimum u can do...
yeah, you did.
FR tho