I'm sorry for beating a dead horse I wanna like this one 100% with my all so bad I like both the ML and FL and like the eerie morally gray energy the ML is giving off and the FL being this insecure low confidence person who needs some TLC is something I want to see but the FL's proportions are extremely off-putting I know it's a smut but Jesus Christ whenever they do a full body shot of her bending over (which is more than once in the last 5 Chs)I expect her topple under the weight of her breasts against her tiny frail frame + having her be so short doesn't help. (If I hear a single "she was raised poor so she's gonna be skinny and some fat remains on the boobs" I'm gonna shoot myself because the other side characters have the exact same body type but with smaller tits)
At least put her in baggy clothes watching her pains me.
She legit reminds me of this.
I've been holding back.