coochie poochie asked a question

My notification feed be looking so dry after jinx season 1 ended can y’all please be a dear and recommend stories I can get hooked too?? With controversial dramas please yuh thanks (=・ω・=)

coochie poochie asked a question

Yoo recommend me some good fap yaoi I really need to jerk one out thanks.. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

coochie poochie answered question about question
coochie poochie followed a list
coochie poochie answered question about first love
my brother fucking me it's good to see people with similar circumstances at least we aren't alone :(
coochie poochie asked question about watching auroras

Do you guys have a job? Do you get paid?

coochie poochie want to do

12 people did   /   158 want to do

why tf would you want to read all the gay porn in the world tf

coochie poochie answered question about question
The way you're describing everything is like you are your own worst enemy like "YOU" are holding yourself back from having fun, you yourself lost interest in everything, YOU don't do anything and just waste time on your bed and you yourself is pushing your own (probably wonderful self since I don't know you) to the edge of the cliff. No one else is......
coochie poochie answered question about question
My hands, my legs, my fully functional body, the ability to see, the ability to hear, the ability to distinguish between changes, the ability to feel, the ability to love, the feeling of regret, the feeling of living, life, my home, my clothes, my family (even if it's just my siblings) the ability to talk, sadness, happiness, for today, for yesterd......
coochie poochie asked question about character obsession

All of my crushes have ugly nipples :( they look like mold.

coochie poochie asked a question

What it is hoe?
What's up?
Every good girl needs a little thug
Every block boy needs a little love

Hii, I hope you all well!! I want to create a story but I have no idea what to write about can you please give me any title or context which is feels good to you, the genre could be any, the story could be about anything. I appreciate the help, Thankk youu!! (=・ω・=)

coochie poochie created a topic of Jinx

Are raws also at chapter 36? Anyone know sites which have more chapters than that?

coochie poochie created a topic of Salty Lust

When owen's face turn greenish pink it looks like mold or bruises the first time it appeared I was confused.