The story in general I liked, eventhough I usually really hate a situation like this were there is another lead. But I do think that the story lacked something, the relationship between Joon and the ML just seemed to rushed and didnt get talked through enough. Joon first liked Ah-in, when did he exactly get over him? A couple chapters back he was still doing all those things for him to the ML? When did Ah-in’s obsession start and how did it snowball into something this big? Did Ah-in really like him or was it part of his own issues? I still have a hunderd question like these because alot of the parts were a little up in the air.
P.s.; the brother was fucking creepy, I got it till the point were he was so obsessive because he was scared something would happen to his brother, even the locking up part I could link to this BUT the part where he was hinting that he could also fill his sexual desires just was not it.

Is this really worth reading? I only read the first couple chapters but couldn’t get quite into it, is it any good when you keep reading?

To me it's the best story I've ever read in this site, because though the romance is sloooooooooow burn the plot is very intriguing, it just keeps you guessing with its many great plot twists, and in a good way (there's a huge "Maleficent-like" plot twist in the middle, that reveals the "victim" and "villain are actually the other way around, and there some other additional plot twists in-between) and the all the characters are not just three-dimensional, they're like, one hundred-dimensional... even the female ones (which is unusual in a BL).
Just watch out for very graphic and upsetting sexual abuse in chapters 32, 43, 44, and a gang rape in 94. For real. This is a warning actually coming from someone who happens to love this story to death, so you know we mean it.

If you keep feeling compelled to read it, then stick with it a bit longer and see. This happened to me with Song of Reverberation. It's like the cover kept calling to me while it was updating. But the beginning seemed so generic and going in some bs direction I typically hate. I finally pushed past the first couple chapters on my 3rd try and I'm so glad I did. It was so good I literally couldn't put it down.
With Ennead, things aren't always how they seem at first. That's all I'll say.

Don’t get me wrong i’m used to toxic relationships but this is just pure shit. It does show quite well what peerpressure is and what people are capable of doing if pushed on the wrong buttons. Seo is the worse out of all of them (not that any other is any freaking good but okay).
I keep reading that everyone says that the mc should kill himself? Nuh-uh, the mc should slowly kill all of them by poisoning their food since he always cooks for them take there money and make a run for it.

As a person that’s extremly sympathetic and emotional, I don’t think I will ever be able to wrap my head around how some people truly don’t feel any emotions or sympathy for others. Seeing Inseob struggle to figure him out and always having mixed feelings is so relatable. As a person that always tries to understand other people it is hard to not ‘cut slack’ on those who have a difficult background (plus the fact he couldn’t leave the situation even if he wanted to bc he was literally being blackmailed).

I love the realism of this story so much. The way the ml can suddenly change after something small doesnt go as he wants, how mean and toxic he can get in a split second is so realistic. The way the ml doesn’t understand his own ‘greed’ as to why just having him physically by his side is not satisfying.
And ofcourse that Inseob holds onto the nice memories as he is in love but still tries to rationalize the relationship, forgetting he is a victim.

What I dont quite understand is that Dojae comes from such a rich family, with a loving mom too, and has never been in therapy? As he does have feelings as been said but just process them differently and takes more time you would think that therapy could’ve helped with recognizing emotions.
I get the whole idea behind ‘love made him feel’ but the first love a person genuinely feels is from their mother (if done right and in this case it had been) which is why I didnt quite get the disorder and how it is getting better overtime. I also feel sad for his mom, imagine birthing and raising a child for 20-ish years and he ‘gets better/suddenly feels everything’ after 3 dates with a random stranger. I just feel like she was done unfairly and a chapter where he tells her he loves her would have been fullcircle.