Im so glad Saein is still pushing thru with his revenge. I mean let aside everything that the prosecutor is treating him well right now, the man didn’t even properly apologize for everything? I dont think a genuine person who is so in love would not not apologize a thousand times.
Cant wait for the moment he realized he treated him like shit and ‘just going on’ hasn’t fixed shit.
The most unrealistic part of this might be that the guy is chronically ill, has the longcapacity of a literal peanut (you mean to tell me you can’t walk for 10 minutes, shower alone etc) but u can do it 6 times in a row while making out the entire time? And he can get wet? How many freaky shit can a body have? Pick a struggle. Don’t get me wrong I love a good omegaverse but this type of stories just piss me off, either make it real life or make it a alternative universe.
Also why is he so mean to Minhyuk all of a sudden after making a bf? I would be pissed if the guy I had been friends been for years would treat me like a second option after knowing someone for FOUR DAYS.
SO GLAD I FOUND MY PEOPLE, I really appreciate some got fantasy but the whole story just feels like a made-up story by a 13-year old who can’t catch sleep (and cant tell how a buildup and logical storytelling should go). Like a ‘ohh what if I add this oh and what if he had this and this’, babe u can better chose a simple storyline and execute it properly especially if your new to it.
Ahh yes an amazing realization that you truly sincerely love someone, in the middle of raping them while they cry. Yes a dream come true.
I dont even know where to start with this one, I think I get what the author was trying to get at ‘A guy so obsessed that he was okay to do anything for him’ but the execution and storyline is just complete shit.