I'm literally fuckigng tearing up at almost 3 am due to the fucking frustration. I hate RYOUSUKE WITH MY HEART AND SOUL??? in this story he was a DARK RED flag okay I already hated him!!! But nooo... This motherfucking son of aa bitch that knows nothing a sleeping motherfucking playboy that doesn't give a fuck about anyone, someone who literally ALMOST ruined a happy story that he literally actually ruined I hate bros o mcuch
vro, i am crying my nonexistent BALLS OFF YANAGI GO AWAY PLEASE, AND RINDO GROW BOUNDARIES IM SOBBING MY ALSO NONEXISTEND SHCLINGADINGALING OFF LIKE RINDO??? HAVE U LEARNY NOTHING??? anyway rindoxamane 4ever !!! (yanagi findsome1elsepls) u have a hottie wife like ik u guys dont love eachother but plz back off ur MARRIED. . .... AND rindo istg... LEARN HOW TO SET BOUNDARIES IM BAWLING MY BALLD OFF VRO... DONT U FEEL BAD FOR AMANE.. BC IF U DO NOT PUSH YANAGI IN THE NEXT CHAPTER I WILL BOMB YOUR HOUSE