sometimes i think this manga will last forever like detective conan
Oh god, the horror! Detective Conan is a classic, Finder will never be a classic in the yaoi genre, there are other yaois for that.
What are the other classics?
Anoni Grrl, you are really starting to get on my nerves. So now that J Unleashed has disappeared from this page, you're the guard dog left to protect the castle? I'm sorry if by reading more yaois than you and considering other ones better that makes me a troll. This WAS a very good yaoi, now I get the sense it's only something the mangaka works on when she's bored. Popularity means nothing when you can't maintain the quality of your work. Deal with it. Now proceed to remove your head from Yamane Ayano' ass and breathe in some fresh air, your slobbering is disgusting.
Hmm, true, Finder is a more intriguing story, but...I feel like since volume 6 it's been poorly executed and explored and a lot of the potential it had has been wasted. Idk, the same tropes over and over....and I feel like lately, Yamane-sensei's inspiration seems to come from fanfiction. (To anyone looking to reply to this, please do this in a mature way and only if you have anything relevant to say. I'm not looking to be insulted and called a troll because I disagree with die-hard fans. I like to think that most Finder fans are rational human beings that are not shy about admitting that this series has flaws.)
as lady ligeia said, haru wo daiteita is a really good one, and also kizuna, love mode and ZE. i think these go beyond the manga realm and are very human stories (well, apart from ZE, which has a supernatural theme, heh) that will put your heart through a blender and move you to tears. finder is a really good yaoi, great art, yummy sex scenes, but i don't really think it has heart, it doesn't move me.
Haru wo daiteita is another kind of story, I was easily moved to tears with it because, ok it's only a romantic story, but it has better quality characters and a feeling of realism that I truly appreciate in these kind of stories. I had a different impression of Finder because I don't see it as a romantic story ( I know that there are many who see it in that way, but I can't). Possibly it has to do with the fact that I read it all in a row from the end to the beginning and not in the other way around. For me it's intriguing because I see it more like a mafia story (with an average plot, but still interesting) with sex as a bonus instead of a boy's love with a mafia scenery (like 'The twittering birds never fly"). In general, love stories tend to concentrate in the development of feelings between the main characters, with a scenery behind it that doesn't have a lot of importance. Finder has a different feeling, I think that all the sex is put in it to label it as a boy's love, but it has a different feeling (at least for me) that results difficult to disguise (and that I truly love).
To add to the discussion, I agree with everything you said, LadyLigeia. :) I've been a LONG time reader of yaoi and I used to be so obsessed with Finder, but with time I've become more selective with my yaoi and I've begun to crave more mature and deep material. Like, Finder is extremely engaging, you easily get caught up in it, but I feel like after a while, the characters become flat and stagnant. For that reason, Yoneda Kou's Saezuru wa Habatakanai is much more appealing to me, a true masterpiece and I love that there is no predictability. The characters are as flawed as real life people, a kind of perfect imperfection with just the right amount of sensual and passion. Ultimately, I think what draws the audience to Finder is the fact that they can relate to Akihito and the allure when it comes to a powerful, mysterious and sexually/physically attractive man. The forbidden fruit, if you will, the fact that they're from two different worlds and yet are so drawn to each other :) But storytelling-wise...meh, it could use some improvement. I heard that initially, Yamane Ayano wanted to end the series after the Hong Kong arc (end of volume 5) but was encouraged to continue by her editor. I personally think she should've just ended it and continued on with these slice of life/domestic cutesy oneshots from time to time. This way she would've gone out in a blaze of glory! :)
@Anonymous To say [remove your head from Yamane Ayano' ass] & [your slobbering is disgusting] why do you choose ugly speech like that O.O ? Do you hate YA fans who show her loyalty? Please, you are getting too upset over something that is really so small. Don't you think it's nice people want to support those who has made them happy? Why is it bad?
@seriyou, there have been a lot of trolls here in the past, but then there are also those people that simply want to talk about the things in/regarding finder they don’t like as much, while also not living in a sea of ignorance where they think of yamane ayano as this perfect being. anoni grrl regularly attacks those that dare not kiss the mangaka’s ass and shower her with praise, while posing as a level headed individual. i don’t think it’s fair to call someone a troll simply becoz they don’t think finder a ’’yaoi classic’’. do you? you probably do, since i dont see you calling out anoni grrl on that. i too have issues with this series, as some of the other peeps that have expressed themselves in this thread, but i still enjoy it. i don’t think that makes me a traitor to the cause, not a true fan or a troll. a rational individual accepts the opinions of others and the fact that a product of a certain quality can still have flaws. ultimately, there is a fine line between being a loyal fan and a rabid, out of control fan, and there are some people on this page that don’t know the difference. end of story.
I agree, the story has gotten a little lost lately, perhaps when the next few chapters come out things will solidify. I also think that some of the side stories, at least, are solely being used to please fan requests - such as the baby episode. Hopefully sensei takes a longer look at her plot line and gets her story back on track, it has been a number of years that this has been written over, and it is easy to lose sight of story direction.
Well, so far, the premise for something exciting and action-packed is there, with the Aaron/Russian connection, the possibility of Mikhail and Feilong making their comebacks, Asami and Akihito getting even closer....I just hope it really pans out and YA gets back that creative groove she had when working on the Hong Kong arc, that was the jewel in the crown for Finder. Of course, I most definitely would not be opposed to longer chapters and a more regular updating schedule....a girl can only dream! :)
I prefer "Ai no kusabi" by the same author. It's only a matter of tastes. And about Finder: Yeah, the last extras look more like fan service (that cute little story with the baby, for example, just as you said). About Finder in itself: it seems to me like if many persons consider it as a part of the same boy's love genre like many others. Just to analyze another well known YA's work: Crimson spell. That is a work that you can see as a fifty/fifty mixed genre (half fantasy/half boy's love) and it's well done. In my opinion it's her best work because of its originality. "The twittering birds" is a work you can interpret from the inside through the interactions of the well done characters. Instead to understand Finder you have to analyze it from the outside, only in that way you can be aware of its true nature. I consider it as a mafia story with the obvious dark tones in which the in-depth analysis of the characters' feelings are less important than the story itself. I like Finder because of it (as weird as it sounds). ;)
Are you the same anonymous you called us all sick and we were taken over by the writer and should go read something else? You troll here at least once a week with intent to start something. First nothing is perfect. as good as twittering birds is, there is some one on earth who would not like it. and there are people who hate yaoi. second we all don't agree perfection exists in this manga or anywhere else(that includes AG). she has a right to defend the writer. You do not have a right to make personal attacks on her. she never did to you. every one has a right to express their op not personal attacks. what do we do here joke and have fun. That is all we do. If you don't like the that much why come ? to start something/ to hurt some one/ to cause hurt to others. you don't know what is going on in another person's life. anonymous
I like that one too (Ai no Kusabi) and think Crimson Spell is great. although it is also getting a little lost, perhaps this is because sensei is feeling a little lost after the death of one of her biggest supporters, her father? I am not sure what you mean by "Twittering Birds" though - is that Ai no Kusabi? (I have never heard the reference before ... LOL)
I used the word troll because of the tone of the original comment. It's not so much that the person didn't think Finder is a classic--it's the way it was stated. It seemed to me as if the person was trying to provoke a response, which is why I thought it was a troll.
I have no problem with people criticizing the story or liking other stories better. However, if someone posts an opinion, they should be prepared to have others disagree. I have been accused of attacking people simply because I disagree with certain opinions. I have not called anyone a traitor or said made personal attacks (unless you count troll in this one case). Respecting others opinions doesn't mean I won't disagree with those opinions. It's doesn't make me a rabid fan or "out of control"--it just means I post what I think, and since everyone has the same right to post opinions, I can post too.
Okay, I admit Ai No Kusabe is more of a classic than Finder--but in terms of being one of the longest running yoai and maintaining high levels of popularity for long periods of time, I assert Finder is also a classic. :) I suppose it might make a difference what criteria people use for "classic". I don't really read Junjou Romanitica, but I would call it a classic just because it has been around for so long. To me, a classic is something that has been around a long time, not necessarily something that is perfect.
Takaba and Asami are probably a pairing that I have deep interest in. But I can't say they are my first love in Yaoi Department. Because, honestly, to be executed poorly in this manga is quiet disappointment. It's true, Yamane-Sensei has a wonderful drawing skill, but I cannot say so when it comes to the plotting, it's actually kind of generic (no offense). However, I agree that this manga can be considered classic, but in my opinion, it's classic because of the lagging, not because it has a real quality to be considered classic (well, now I sound rather harsh). Even what keeps me from leaving the fandom actually is the fanfic authors that somehow still work on their awesome fics up to now.
So, even if this anon had said something offensive, I think what she/he had said can't be entirely wrong.
And to us, we should not forget that being 'too-biased' is not good.
Oh, man, I forgot to write my supposed-name.
because it's bad for my health im angry and tired of waiting for the mangas to be up date it ,im thankful for all the people out there who are trying ther best for translating the mangas but i can't wait any more all my fav mangas are on hold and all of them are on cliffhanger so for that i decided to quit yaoi ( i probably can't or wont never ever ((yaoi forever ))).... sooooo yeah back to waiting
It sucks when you don't know if a manga has been dropped by the mangaka or not and you don't know if you should give up on waiting for it :'(
I always try to console myself by reading mangas that have already been completed but all my favourite ones are long and ongoing and take forever to be uploaded T_T
I never get sick of this manga every time im on the wait for other mangas updates I read this manga so i can feel the love again