antxphialtic May 6, 2019 1:54 am


antxphialtic May 6, 2019 1:47 am

I'm pretty sure John never even bullied the brother in the first place :/ and pretty sure he didn't ask his "friends" to bully him either. Ollie and the guys seem to be using John's name to do things and get away with it. It doesn't seem like John to start a fight without being antagonized because it seems like he likes to actually fight than beat people up. Obviously John isn't a saint but it looks like he's just getting dragged into things because of his reputation.

antxphialtic April 25, 2019 10:45 am

I really thought this was gonna be a good one from the comments before I dived in. It was like the mention of consent was supposed to show that there was consent when there really wasn't??

First off the sub was drunk and vulnerable. He just poured his heart out to the dom about his breakup he obviously wasn't of sound mind to be making these type of decisions.

Two no discussion was done prior other than the "oh I'm rough". There was the minor discussion right before the special room which was nice but it wasn't really enough.

Three. A good dom would work up to the things they did in the beginning, especially if the sub is completely new to kink. This irked me, especially the scene where the sub is getting his genitals whipped. THAT should have been discussed and agreed upon because that is dangerous if it goes wrong and takes a lot of trust.

I did kinda like the later chapters? I'm still not sure where I stand because it still felt a little dubcon. Overall I was just disappointed because it looked like it would show good practice but it never really did.

    BananaSlayer June 5, 2019 4:05 am

    Same. I was looking for consent but it kinda turned into just abuse

antxphialtic February 20, 2019 5:34 am

oh man this story is a trip

antxphialtic June 22, 2018 6:41 am

Yasssss let’s get some communication

i was so surprised that the situation is being confronted so openly, usually you don’t get that

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