So like, the poor dude is gonna get grapped repeatedly, then stabbed by a fan, and had to leave for America to get better, all while he has a heart problem. Plus the reason why he wanted revenege was for Jenny who donated her heart to him after committing suicide. So yeah, grapped while having a weak heart and could potentially die at any second, stabbed and left for America while hoping for that trash seme to come see him at the airport, but he never did. At least seme felt 'bad' for uke

You can read here:
They are the ones with the best translation in my opinion

Bruh. The twin LOVES and RESPECT uke's wishes. He respects uke as a person and not as a sex toy. The way he always jumps to protect and is so gentle to the uke makes my heart melt. But noooooo.
We gotta go with rapist seme who blackmails him, threatens him, made uke feel unsafe and scared, never listens to uke's feelings, always gets his way and is a creep.
But it's fiction so I'll let it be.

Wait, did that bird guy groomed the kid? Why isn't anyone talking about that? Tf

Nah man... In the earlier chapter someone already spoiled that they didn't do anything until the uke was old enough. And the bird's situation wasn't like Wu's situation where he had time limit to become the God. That bird took his time to become the God. You'll read it later in the story I guess. Some novel reader spolied it for us
Can someone spoil me on the brother. Cause I wanna know why he's so...you know...possessive? Of the MC?
came here to tell you don’t upload SHIT translation you idiot
Lmao, so bitter