I don't know whether i should think mincheol was always a selfish bitch who only hid it well from haesoo or if he used to be a good person and simply changed
I'm currently choosing to believe that he is one of those who just changed, after becoming bored with the girl he chased for so long, he changed and wanted someone who he could manipulate.
But i don't know, he either:
1. Wanted to 'save' haesoo after getting to know her (savior complex) but no longer needs to
2. Loved haesoo but just got bored
3. Liked haesoo but realised just how much she loved him and then became more and more reliant on her until he knew that she would never leave him

that bald headed bitch and the nonchalant crackhead need to shut the fuck up for a quick minute

Yk what that conversation doesn't sit right to me because I have the same mindset as the short hair girlie. Morals are always a touchy topic and they can debate about it for days and no one will still win. It doesn't help that the nonchalant guy was so argumentative about everything like his arguments can literally be use to defend any bad things that it pissed me off

yea fr and he kept bringing up shit that doesn't even make sense to try rebuke what she was saying. he was def ignoring everything she was trying to communicate on purpose it made me so annoyed. it was the way his argument was so stupid like yes it was different from what kensuke did and idk why he keeps acting dumb to try and not understand what she wanted to say

Right?? Calling those girlies inconsiderate and self centered bec they tryna say their valid points is a jerk move. I don't believe that every values and principles should be respected. That's why we communicate so we can learn and accept differences. Why is he so hellbent to defend his bro? The homophobic friend and his mindset is wrong full stop. Also the way that both guys is so peak toxic masculinity. Like wdym boys are better because they just use violence to talk it out instead of "girly" things like emotional talk. That's so dumb.

i agree 1000%, that scene just made me so angry, first because i agree with the short haired girls values but also she voiced her points so well and really tried her best to get kensuke to understand that assaulting a guy for being gay is weird... It's crazy that all the other guy took away from that is how she was 'being a hypocrite'.
In general, his way of thinking is actually crazy, just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you get to resort to violence, it's unbelievable but also I totally agree that not every1 should be respected for their values/principles especially when their 'principles' are actively hurting other people who aren't doing anything wrong.
+he was so aggressive to the girls when they were literally trying to help them

Twin?! That's what I thought so too! That's convo is so crazy to me and I'm thinking is this actually what the author thinks because I really liked the overall manga, but the way that the girls just walked out at the end and never talked about that toxic mindset ever again is what made me angry. Like are we just moving on with that? Gay people are murdered in real life because of this so called "values" that's why it didn't sit right to me. Also from what I understand with that convo is those two guys are just saying some excuses to justify their actions and not taking accountability to it. I keep hearing alibis and never saw their remorse on it!! Kudos to the all girlies for standing up and trying giving some free therapy though.

OMG Yessssss like i keep seeing people saying stuff like "people are free to have their own opinions, they don't have to agree with gay people" but this literally shouldn't apply in situations like this where innocents are beaten up and harrassed simply for being themselves... I still wish they hadn't left that whole thing alone without expanding on it more. Even though a lot of people say that he admitted he was wrong and wanted to keep being friends with touma, we don't see much of his atonement at all. It's the same for the other guy as well.
I FORGOT TO MENTION. In addition to beating up his friend being he was gay, he outed him as gay to the WHOLE SCHOOL?? Despite that, touma still wanted to be friends with him.
I feel like for doing all these things, they didn't make a big enough deal of it in the manga because all of the things he did is actually insane. I really wanted the author to atleast revisit it one more time because we don't even know if they ever fully repented or not

Yeah that was pissed me off the most! Like are we forgetting that his values are the extension of himself? Bald guy's actions are based on his values of course the girls should judged it. Man I really hate the nonchalant guy because I felt like baldy was actually trying to listen but nonchalant guy was dismissive everything and went full on gaslighting. The girls shouldn't have the ones who walked away because it looks like they are in the wrong. Also yeah, it's so weird that after outing Touma like that, beating him up, and making him stopped coming to school, they wrapped the whole fiasco by saying "Yeah bro why do you care? Me and Touma talked to the phone. I still hate that he's gay and I am disgusted but we are besties again fr" like WTF is that? Touma is better than me cause me personally I wouldn't let that slide. (╯°Д °)╯

That's so true i hate baldy because his actions were sooo aggressive but also that nonchalant guy just doesn't want to listen at all, like he should've been focusing on helping touma or atleast being sorry to touma but he was just there to argue ARGH.
I still dislike both of them and the way it ended was too short but i still feel the worst for touma ╥﹏╥
im acrrually gonna kms i love this manga what the fuck is this ending im gonna die
shes probs gonna fall for kyouya? I think its true love however i like hotaru the most