i’m not reading this but when i saw the cover istg it looked like simeon and solomon from obey me LMFAO freaked me out for a hot second
was this not? i never ended up finishing it but istg i eventually got the ending spoiled-… was it never uploaded here?
it’s annoying but fr realistic portrayal of some relationships where they don’t know HOW TO FUCKING COMMUNICATE before assuming shit and getting all pissed
I swear these authors all got piss or squirting kinks cause why tf is this a scene in a lot of these stories goddamn bro
I could feel the end was nearing and it finally ended Maybe it’s because I like slow burns but i wish this burned MORE slowly (just so it wouldn’t end so soon and so we could learn even more about these characters).. but it was a pretty good story
if i just held back and didn’t click this till the next update i wouldn’t be going insane rn… i really hope she isn’t written to just approach him… she saw and acknowledged his indifferent expression so that’s how she should be. If she’s not istg im gonna only read this to torture myself.