Oh, boy. His THAT kind of guy huh...
If I was in her place, I won't. Cause why would I put myself in this situation? I was out the door when he said "hello, I like marvels, & I hate mlm & wlw."
For ur sister, If he doesn't understand her now, I don't think he'll start doing better in the future. If he truly loved her, he would make an effort to un...... 1 reply
I'm an example that f2p can work, u just have to choose one li & dedicate the account for. Do ur dailies & weeklies, play the events & u will have enough to pull any 5* for that li reply
I'm on an internship that I payed for, in a field that forces me to interact with rude, entitled humans more than It could ever be necessary, my social skills could use lots of work, so I haven't made friends there yet. My social media accounts got hacked, & I'm too busy to try & fix that. I'm about an inch away from burning all my savings, so I'm ...... 1 reply
I'm doing my internship year in medicine & I hate my life
if given another chance, I would like to try something artistic. Maybe internal design, architectural engineering or even writing. Something more alive & with less actual lives hanging up my lone neck. 1 reply