I'm srsly pissed off at Kyle, like heck can't he see Ilyan is desperate and really suffering?? Ilyan even stated why he was feeling anxious at that moment. Was it too much work for Kyle (who's seemingly worried about him) do his best to calm him down and be open about his real worries?
I couldn't enjoy that sex, I was just angry, I hope they have a good talk after
I talked to my friend about it and she wants to read it but I can't remember the name and because I didn't like it I didn't save it u.u, all I remember was that the uke (whose name I think it was Miwa) was in love with his besfriend but he turns him down and they stop being friends, then appears a boy who seems to like Miwa and it kind of helps him to forget about his friend. The friend starts to discover they are dating (or so) and gets jealous. Suddenly he stops going to school and he's left in a weird state. The boy who's dating now Miwa goes to visit him, and after, he tells Miwa that his friend likes him back and that he should go to visit him (unfair btw xD) and at the end Miwa and his best friend end up dating and happy ever after :/
If anyone know~ pleaaase~ >-<
So… I came back to read the side stories but I don’t remember the bad deeds DH did… can someone remind me pls?
so basically 10 years ago when he dated suha, DH was promiscuous and he made suha believe that he should participate in orgies because that's what he expects from a lover. and suha was naive so he did it thinking DH's happiness is enough for him(suha) but he actually just wanted to do it with DH which DH didn't like, so ultimately they broke up. now in the present, he did pull some bad stunts like drugging jiwoon and blackmailing suha, but suha ran away and nothing happened. there are speculations that the two guys who tried to assault jiwoon when he was drugged were sent by DH but it wasn't confirmed, it was assumed by suha. he also made him give a bj to him and youngwu by blackmailing him with a pic of yoon hui. also, he sneakily entered suha's place (actually jiwoon's) and tried to convince him to get back with him, but suha threw boiling water at him and then DH beat him up. that's all as far as i know.
to add on to his crimes: DH would coerce suha into doing these sexual activities (the orgies/sex in public places) when he very obviously didn’t want to do it nor was in the right headspace for it, which is rape on multiple accounts. he was also a very toxic, manipulative boyfriend, often using suha’s love for him as leverage and making him feel like he had no choice but to listen to all DH demands
basically you can get that from what i said plus it is shown in more details in the side stories. i was explaining what he did from the main story since op started reading side stories and didn't remember much from the main story.
Thanks, you refreshed my memory!
um i know, you did a really good job and did explain most of it. i wanted to add on to you bc there was more things that made DH actions much worse. my reply wasn’t intended to one up you or be a know it all. i was only giving additional background info as well, especially to help OP have more context which is important for understanding the side story…
my response was mainly for OP bc i wasn’t sure if i should @ them or you, but i decided to @ you since it was only detailed info on in reply to what you already said- so it made more sense. like it wasnt a competition of who knows more, we were both helping and it was a neutral discussion
glad it helped! <3
oh, no i wasn't saying you were trying to be a know it all. mine was also an additional response to yours. no worries ^^
This Bear person has a hardon for the abusive dick. He manipulated Suha into sleeping with/being abused by his friends (lending him out), made him have sex with other people in a group setting, physically abused him, ect. Let's not forget violently assaulting him in the bathroom when they broke up. Emotionally, mentally, and physically abused Suha. So while this might not be "equal" karma, let's not downplay what he did to Suha either.
lmaooo ok i love dohyeok, but i never said he was a saint. i always pointed out what he did, but i ALSO mentioned the wrongdoings of other characters which people don't like because holding biasness against one character and justifying rape of that person is much easier.
Oh got it, idiots like you think saying what a character did WRONG is justification for their own assault. How stupid are you lmao Saying honestly everything he did doesn't mean anything other than that. Show me where I justified anything? Yeah, I'll wait. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
Oh got it, idiots like you think saying what a character did WRONG is justification for their own assault. How stupid are you lmao Saying honestly everything he did doesn't mean anything other than that. Show me where I justified anything? Yeah, I'll wait. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
apparently the other person asked me to show them proof and then disabled replies. i wonder why?
woah where did u make all these assumptions. were u wanting to argue or something? it doesn’t look like u read the entire thread, but bear wasnt trying to downplay DK nor say he deserved his own assault. this thread was about informing a reader about DK’s crimes and they said couldn’t remember the details bc that’s all they could recall from not rereading, hence them saying “that’s all as far as i know”. so because of this, i literally emphasized the parts about DK’s manipulation/abuse that was accidentally left out and made sure it was said in detail. not everyone can know off the top of their head every fact about a story so that’s why other readers can all join in to inform each other. instead of creating this whole bias against the replier who was trying to give assistance, you could’ve only stated the other information you wanted to add and carried on. like your reply looks so goofy because there was no reason to yap and yap but yet here u are yelling at a brick wall. so strange
@levipleasecallmeback (aka the child coward who blocked) Lmao What's strange is your panties being in such a twist over me pointing out facts that you had to write a butthurt rant. Run along child (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Awww you didn't post facts I wonder why
@SJM the weirdo who starts arguments for no reason and can’t handle confrontation
i blocked u so u can have a taste of ur own medicine HAHA. like imagine asking a question and not wanting to hear an answer? sounds pretty familiar right (aka you). no one cares about what u said, i was basically pointing out how u killed the vibes. i didn’t know u had to be told this but u didn’t point out facts u created this whole fake story in that small delusional head of yours over nothing. this was literally an INFORMATION post??? not an opinion piece
so yea that’s a childish and coward thing to do silly goose, some of us like building community on here and answering questions while creatures like u start fights because they have nothing to do all day but fill their bird head brain with conflict. the voices in your head are a little too loud. im gonna unblock u so u can have your fun and feed whatever scenario is going on in that head of yours
@SJM funny how blocking was a big deal to u but look what u did. looks like someone got their big feelings hurt aw
run along beans for brains, the adults were speaking ^_−☆~
they blocked me and called me an idiot in another reply too lol
idk what their problem was fr… i only replied bc i was confused on what SJM was even fighting about so i read the messages and it wasn’t even anything remotely close to what they claimed. it reminded me of the one twitter screenshot that goes
person a “i love waffles”
person b “so you hate pancakes and think they’re disgusting”
?? like excuse me. they got heated over the arguments going on in their own mind and can only say “cHiLdIsh”. i can’t even call SJM a kid bc it feels like an insult to kids
exactly! making up things thay never existed, just for fun?? some people have so much time for negative energy.