riyu created a topic of Nerd Project

LETS GO ANDYYYY SWEEP LUKE OFF HIS FEET MAKE THAT MAN QUESTION HIS SEXUALITY FRFRRRRRRR I looooveee enemies to friends to lovers- I love how Luke said to the shop owner that he is willing to wait and hear Andy’s story straight from Andy himself, like no one does that anymore, I just know he’ll always have Andy’s back

riyu created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

I adore angsty bad ending shit but omg this one punched me right in the guts. I didn’t expect there would be a season 2 that shows a different timeline/alternate universe- and I didn’t know this was from a novel, so thanks commenters for letting me know, im gonna binge the novel and cry some more

riyu created a topic of Marry My Husband

It was good. The ending was very happy, there wasn’t any conflict that would ruin their relationship, the other characters had their own mini side stories on how they got new lovers/proposed to lovers, and the main couple lived their life happily with their children and pang who also transmigrated back for her.

The pacing was good, although I didn’t expect them to venture off from the main couple without explicitly saying it. Usually they would put it as side story for when the other side characters get their moment to shine, so it felt like there would be more chapters/more conflict coming up.

Villains— I think the pink girl’s motivation was pretty solid, that her anger and hate for jiwon stemmed from her comparison between jiwon’s and her family at a young age. She relied heavily on jiwon to make her judgment (ex. Jiwon gets this but I don’t? Not fair), even in prison she relied on jiwon to make herself feel/look better. I’d say more but my brain is blanking out
The mother (who asked for money) felt like a filler plot, that scene didn’t need to happen because nothing changed from jiwon meeting her mom. It wasn’t established that jiwon needed to meet the mom or wanted to, so when the mom came and left it didn’t left an impact because she didn’t stay too long (pretty sure she only appeared for 2-3 chapters).
As for the ex boyfriend- idk now that I wrote all that I’m lazy to talk about him.

riyu created a topic of Marry My Husband

the way I jolted out of my sleepiness speedrunning this webtoon- I can’t believe they would try and kidnap the child bruuuuhhhh.

Also, I really like how there’s no back and forth happening between the characters, like jiwon going back to her trash ex, or having a love triangle between chaebol guy and the first love/coffee au boy, she just stays with chaebol future ceo guy and their actual relationship don’t have any big drama, love that

riyu created a topic of The Abandoned Empress

and she gets coerced to having s8x with him? just 3 chapters into this webtoon? that’s actually insane

riyu created a topic of Camping

ain’t no way it’s comfortable walking around with a third arm between your legs bruh

Bruh why is she talking like that- she finds her biological mother and demands why she got abandoned????? She acts as if people outside of her don’t have struggles or have their own personal life- and why she got the reasons, she calls the mom a pathetic, worthless piece of trash.

She was doing so good, getting past her trauma, and living life again but why tf is she talking like that- it’s so embarrassing to read it, and it’s so icky, it’s like the author is making surface level dilemma, dramatizing the conflict and then fixing it half-heartedly. It feels like there’s an arc everytime she gets into conflict, it makes the pacing of the webtoon feel so wonky

I’m only on chapters 70-80, I like how it’s going so far but why did she confront him so badly and aggressively about the numbers on his wrist??? is it such a big deal for you to react in such a manner, and become mistrustful from it??? idk it rubbed me the wrong way- how she expects him to tell her all of his secrets but keep hers

I’m seeing others comment on the recent chapters, and how iffy they are with her actions- oof if I’m already irked with her in these chapters, idk how imma feel when I catch up

riyu created a topic of Private Scandal

I just finished reading this and I really was hoping for a side story on why the dad is like that- why does he hate iliyan so much??? no sane parent or human being with the list but of sanity would feed alcohol to any 7 yr old kid.

It’s literally a major part on iliyan’s character and why he’s like this, so it’s kinda a bummer that the author didn’t delve on it further. Like who was iliyan’s mother, why is she not in the picture- or why did no one call cps on the dad? maybe it’s just a cycle between the moore family, but who knows really, it feels like I’m just trying to fill in gaps

riyu created a topic of One Night Only

the ending and art was very rushed but it was a good ending- they both cleared their differences and heeyouin delivered the children safely.

I love that the artist draw the babies realistic (babies are wrinkly and bloated when they’re out of the womb bc they get compressed by the Vag wall, and sometimes their heads get elongated from being in the passage too long)

riyu created a topic of Houseki no Kuni

in ch 97 professor ayumu says to phos, “when you’re on the other side, burn the bridge”, but chapter 103 last page says “will this bridge the gap to the new world”. Maybe the bridge is the past story between humans and their form (ie the story of humans and how they were the origin of the current species)???
Professor ayumu told that to adamant sensei- he most likely didn’t burn the bridge because it is the last thing he has of his mother and his creation origin. He probably went against her wishes of removing humanity from the new world by re-affirming to the gems that they were connected to humans (gems being the bones).
Professor ayumu probably wants phos to stop re-telling the story to the new generation (the pebbles) from getting curious about them, and having another similar situation of phos (being overtly curious about the human species and it’s connection to them). If they burned the idea of “the pebbles came from the humans, pebbles are the remaining semblance of human ‘bones’ like the gems” maybe they won’t seek for any characteristics that reminds them of their origin and could possibly stop a cycle from happening.
but phos chooses to tell the origin story to the pebbles. Is it because phos still has that tiny connection with humans (the phosphophylite brittle shown on 103)?? I feel like it’s going to become a cycle- this do be a very philosophical manga, and I feel like I’m spouting nonsense, imma reread it again