riyu created a topic of Houseki no Kuni

I’m in pain, actually sobbing. I just finished reading after work and I am so devastated. I’m so glad phos got a happy ending. I think I need to reread it again to do a whole in-depth analysis but my god, it was so fun to follow this manga. I remembered being introduced to it back in 2016 when one of my artist friend drew phos and got me to watching the anime and ever since then it became one of my favorite mangas, and so far it’s going to be the first manga I’ve had a physical copy of. I can’t wait to become one of those oldies and show this manga to my children/grandchildren

riyu created a topic of Backlight

I knew he was red flag but this is a bit too aggressive no condom, no consent, ik that dude’s got chlamydia or something with his manwhoring

riyu created a topic of Salvation Spirit

OOOHHHMYFYCKINGGOD THE REAL TRUE LOVER IS HERE??????? AND ITS A CHILDHOOD FRIEND TYPE???? Fuck I’m such a sucker for friends to lovers to strangers to lovers but also the “I want to be you so much that I envy you/love you” eats- idk who I’ll root for but I really wanna know if this is a novel so I can speed read it

riyu created a topic of Limited Run

I love the angst in this- I liked that the CEO wasn’t overbearing or that the bottom wasn’t naive and coquettish. There wasn’t a lot of sex scenes that are thrown randomly and the pacing was good. On that note, the ending.

It was a happy ending, which I really like because both of them deserved a happy ending (top having been ostracized by his family + no personal connection because he was in a foreign country, and bottom bearing the weight of the elder child + growing up as working class, struggling aspirations that stemmed from monetarily gains). The ending fucking sucked tho- wdym we only see a time cut of 2 months, of them just walking on the beach and stealing a kiss????? The gong/top should’ve worked his way back to the bottom/shou’s heart by coming to his shoots/films, having dates with each other, explaining their situation to the bottom’s brother, etc. also the ending their relationship hidden from the world is kinda ironic considering that they met/got together from fake dating and trying to spread rumors of top/gong’s gay relationship publicly. It would’ve been nice to circle to them fully embracing their relationship by being public but ig not how the author want it to end ://.

Side story: I like that the author is doing a retelling of folk stories, I think it’s very cute and I really like alternate universes- but the ending was just so abrupt that I feel people would feel more frustrated about the ending than to actually enjoy the side stories.

riyu created a topic of Backlight

Genuinely scary just how often mangakas/webtoon artist have to take hiatus because of deteriorating health- there was a study, or at least a pattern found from what I remembered where mangakas in Japan have the life span of up to 50s because of how strenuous the job is (mentally and physically). Please be patient and give the author a smidge of kindness

riyu created a topic of Half of Me

I absolutely love how well the characters are written in this webtoon. I can’t wait for this to finish and become one of the special webtoons that I’ll hold dearly in my mind

riyu created a topic of Half of Me

Minjae hella ate this chapter!! I’m glad he was able to tell Andy off, but it probably didn’t do much to minjae’s mentality. I hope heechan’s able to tell minjae abt the USB, or at least destroy the contents permanently. Maybe heechan telling minjaethat he saw minjae’s private affairs without his consent might push their relationship backwards- I feel like despite minjae acting indifferently, he probably wouldn’t want the thought of heechan seeing him like that

riyu created a topic of Pearl Boy

let’s applaud the author for such insanneeeee are improvements- such a banger. The ending was bittersweet, I know that dooshik and jooha both lived afterwards (according to the author’s twt post) and it’s nice to know that the koh twins survived. Ok now that I e said that, imma talk about some issues I had w the ending- or just in general.

Ending w pilwon; I did not like his ending. I think with how the author drew gore for other scenes, they should done something similar for him- pilwon dying from the cliff was too peaceful of a death for his character and it feels unfair. Also his ending was hella rushed- we only knew he died from the newscaster and daehui, I think it would’ve been nice if it was shown how he died, last breath n all lmao.

Koh twins; I’m a lil confused on their relationship- like are they just bros or did they fuck each other?? Cause daehui was hard when daekwang was being gangbanged- I don’t remember previous chapters before ch 70 sooooo

the amnesia; idk if it was just me or others feel the same but it honestly felt cheap to do that route- especially on the last ending scenes, you telling me he was amnesiac for less than 3 chapters and call it done? Wack- also the implication that IF jooha hadn’t fallen of the ice and remembered everything- he would’ve remember little by little of his memories of him and pilwon and mistake dooshik as pilwon (bc he thought he first met dooshik in the restaurant, when it was his first meeting with pilwon). That fucking sucks- imagine having dooshik see it happen and CANT tell jooha their memories together bc it’s associated to so many dark memories he wants to hide away.

riyu created a topic of Even Dogs Fall in Love

Omg this is the same author for raion!!! Another banger manga, I love that is was very cute and funny, and it was very light

riyu created a topic of Half of Me

Bless heechan for snatching that noncon video- it sucks he wasn’t able to tell minjae what he found out, hopefully him postponing it doesn’t bite him in the ass and cause a rift between them.
Also circadian rhythm; maybe the more heechan becomes aware of his sexuality and past/current feelings (more sure of himself mentally and emotionally) the more time he is given to stay in his body. Once he’s completely comfortable in himself will he finally stop the body switching- I’m not sure how the og boy will come back, or if he is also dealing with suppressed emotions (maybe for the president of his classroom, I think they got a history going on)

riyu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

SHUT UUUUPPPPP SHUTUPP R U FRRRRR dawg what’s our dragon gonna do now???? I feel like hyoun’s gonna throw a fit but later accept that he can just start anew with taehyuk ORRR there’s gonna b angst, taehyuk tells hyoun to fuck off- hyoun leaves and then taehyuk suddenly remember everything

riyu created a topic of Gig of the Day

Noooooo he’s such a cutie patootie I just wanna bundle him up in the softest blanket and hide him from the horrors of the world- like he’s just a puppy I hope taeseo don’t play with him and treats yeomin seriously. Pls make this webtoon a happy funny feel good one

riyu created a topic of Half of Me

that pink twink is so sus- I hope minjae consented to him being recorded and if not then I hope heechan tell’s minjae what he saw.

Also, it’s kinda odd to have your sex tape blasting in your big screen TV, I feel that the pink guy intentionally did it and knew that heechan wouldn’t let minjae overstep his boundaries (have minjae help his ex when he said he doesn’t want contact anymore). I’m also getting the feeling that that sex tape is multiple and noconsensual

riyu created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

When they showed baby hyoun trying to persuade taehyuk poor baby dragon been through it

riyu created a topic of Paljae

Season 3 raws started in November 2023 and current chapter is at ch 99? Hopefully there’s still people translating this webtoon bc it’s such a gem but if not I guess it’s time to use MTL

riyu created a topic of Private Scandal

on my second read (reread) of this- it’s soooooo gooood i just love how all the characters are very human and they got each of their flaws that don’t just disappear at the end of the story. I’d love to share this with my other friends but they’re more into the hetero transmigration webtoons

riyu created a topic of Pearl Boy

the artist ate with the improvements- like ch1 to the latest??? absolute goals

riyu created a topic of Backlight

some of the comments here are so pathetic bro- like it’s a hiatus, so what???? making a webtoon is so time consuming and physically draining- I better not see any of yall complain abt hiatus when you’re not even properly supporting the creator

riyu created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

for people who wanna know, Claude becomes mentally insane/unstable, and has a breakdown after aeroc’s death. The eldest son leaves the house, the second eldest gets struck by Claude during his breakdowns, and all his other children leave him.

Then it switches to current timeline (second au where Claude and aeroc meet again). In this timeline, aeroc remembers what happened in the past. He tries to give space between him and Claude. Claude already has a crush on him the first time they met at the garden- he gets random nightmares of his past life, and it messes his feelings for aeroc bc he gets conflicted emotions (ex: I like aeroc but he’s an alpha, who parades himself like an omega slut). He tries to get rid of his feelings for aeroc, who he thinks is untouchable by getting with rafiel- they date and Claude is ready to marry him BUT aeroc shows up in his life again, seeking his help bc he doesn’t know how to work finances and keeps getting into scam.

Aeroc throws another party and knows Claude is gonna propose to rafiel, he sets up this orchestra and performs this sad song in front of them to show his feelings- Claude tries to propose but gets angry at the sight of 2 random alphas semi-fucking in the garden. Proposal ends badly- him and rafiel break up, Claude pursued aeroc bc he thinks, now that rafiel has passed he will try aeroc. Then boom! Aeroc is suddenly turning into an omega- tries to buy suppressants in the brothel area, almost gets assaulted and Claude saves him. They both get into rut/heat, and after having sex for 3 days, Claude immediately thinks they are together, will get married, and needs to lock up aeroc bc he’s an omega and no one should know.

I haven’t finished but there’s 4 volumes (1st is past life, 2nd is present life, 3rd was when Claude remembers past life I think, and the 4th one might’ve been if both of them remembered, but I’m not too sure I’m only on 2nd volume)