This story was so good for a short one . It got me cry which is a shocker but I’d honestly say it became one my favs..
The translators image at the end is my exact reaction
Why did the chapter get posted again.. am I tripping
Why this shit lwk upsetting me hella like…. Wtf
They both are so fine omg..
God I’m literally gonna start feening for this story again it’s always so good
Sometimes when I read this I’m so confused what’s even happening bc it takes so long to get posted but it’s always interesting
aw nahhh hg got left so fast wtf
I feel like I got teased and edge last chapter then slapped a bit this chapter .. we ain’t get much but that’s okay… (⌒▽⌒)
LMAONDEADASS i fully thought we were gonna get backstory then immeadiate cut to them the morning after
This story was so good for a short one . It got me cry which is a shocker but I’d honestly say it became one my favs..