is there anyone knows a yaoi about lovers.. the other one is a baker while the other is a writer... one day, the uke told the seme to forget about him (something like that i forgot what he really did say) then the seme fell down the stairs and had an amnesia... but he did fell inlove with the uke again even though he cant remember him.
thanks in advance!

so... i have seen a lot of comments on yaoi mangas like..
" disgusting", "yaoi fandom are okay with rape and pedophilia", and etc. etc.
first of all, WERE NOT OKAY with rape and pedophilia... WE JUST KNOW THAT IT IS ONLY A STORY, A FICTION, NOT TRUE TO LIFE STORY... were just enjoying how authors can turn an UGLY START into something happy endings.... not because were reading a story with that kind of thing means we liked it... WE JUST KNOW the difference between reality and fiction... ~(>_<。)\
2nd, why are you in yaoi manga if you find it disgusting, disturbing or whatever... if you dont like it feel free to click the exit/back button instead of being mean and rude... ((-_-))
3rd, why do people always forget that yaoi is not the only manga with rape and pedophilia? (ノ#-_-)ノ
*cough* hentai *cough* there are some thats even worse than yaoi...
so your not okay with rape/pedophilia/etc on yaoi... but its okay to be in other genre....
the only difference they have are gender... GENDER... (。-_-。)

Yeah, but it tends to be extremely prevalent in yaoi, and many either brush it aside, think it’s healthy or thought. As for "it’s just a story", it depends on context and who you’re talking to, there’s a big difference between rape in a psychological manga that’s supposed to be seen as a messed up couple, like that one with the step brothers, and a manga where someone is raped and falls in love with the rapist. That’s messed up and bad writing, imo. I am also disgusted by shotacon and lolicon no matter the sexuality and will never accept "it’s just a story" as an excuse. That being said, I’m not sure why people feel the need to leave those comments, but I at least get where they’re coming from. I have my reasons for not liking yaoi, but I’m not gonna go arounda posting on various manga to yell at people,
Help... This is about 4 or 3 friends i forgot, the uke is gullible and love big breast but end up always getting tricked by his friends to do 3p/4p he end up with one of his friends... I really wanna re.read it
Maybe this one? http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/doushitemo_yaritakute_gakuen/
No... It's not this one... It's 3p/4p yaoi... But thank you for your help!
I believe you're thinking of http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yarisugi_party_night/ , :D