2024-02-26 08:47 marked
2023-09-22 08:07 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-01-25 20:21 marked

I honestly had no idea how this comic was going to end, with Dong-Hyuk helping Kyung-Soo recover from Yule and all the sick shit that happened, and then Yule shows up and pretty much blackmails Kyung to stay with him , so I thought Hyuk was just a minor character maybe to a Yule/Kyung focused romance, the brother got involved, so I thought that would force Yule to actually give a shit about Kyung's happiness but noooo, turns out Yule was in control this whole time, then thought Kyung would stay with Yule, gradually teaching the bastard to stay out of his goddamn life. Then curveball #600 comes, and the sweet sunshine boy Dong-Hyuk comes to the rescue and gives Kyung the normal, loving relationship he deserves, then fucking Yule happens, at this point, I've pretty much given up on guessing the ending. But when Dong-Hyuk shows up and fucking confronts Yule then rescues Kyung, I settled that this was the true ending, but then Kyung is acting all weird saying that he loved Yule all along and was using Hyuk as a rebound and I was just screaming at my computer. Then this bitch fucking decides either 'I kill Kyung or Yule kills himself' like boi, you don't get to decide fate, my dude. Then Yule stabs himself, and when Kyung goes to him since he just saw a man kill himself, Hyuk is just like 'bruh, how could you choose him over me' and I agree but wow. Then the hospital scene when the truth comes out and the sister finally realizes that Yule was more of a monster than she realized, and she sort of was too, forcing a person who she knew was being abused by both of her brothers to stay in the abusive situation without knowing the entire story of what Kyung has went through. But the ending, Kyung meeting with Hyuk again, I thought that
was the end, but with the final few scenes showing Kyung living by himself, I guess not. And him speaking with Yule after he's presumably been rehabilitated in that Mental Hospital place and that actual hospital, and not ready to deck the bitch, I was so proud.
Basically, so many turns, very unpredictable which I personally enjoy, and seeing that in the grand scheme of the story it was less will they/won't they or romance focused it was more the story of Kyung-Soo recovering from his past, and his very slow and obstacle-filled journey out of an abusive relationship, ultimately ending with him learning to live and to love himself, and that's really great.
2018-03-24 08:32 marked
2018-01-19 03:53 marked
2017-12-13 20:52 marked

then throwing him aside. That's the end of the game." --
➽ To know this jerk intended to do this since the beginning makes me feel worse..
He thinks Shinobu's worth just because he's lost him. If he gets him back, how can we trust that he'll still think like this? I personally want Shinobu to end up with someone better..
2017-08-21 18:22 marked
holy bulgy