authors works are so good

locallesbiantook2L's created a topic of Lucia

I just found this 60 chaps in and I like their dynamic like he's not abusive or anything he's just never learnt how to express his emotions (the duke) plus he's having internal conflict because of the contract that they made and he's regretting to agreeing to it because he knows he's fallen in love with her, he's anxious especially because Lucia doesn't want anything extravagant, so he can't keep her near him by materialistic gains, basically she can just go at any minute and he wouldn't be able to stop her, I get what the butler was saying by looking at the two of them and thinking they're close but still being able to see the thin line that separates them, because of the contract that they made

I feel like I need to let this marinate more judging by the comments though

locallesbiantook2L's created a topic of Driver's High

THE LED BILLBOARD?? I mean i wouldn't expect anything less tbh, even though it didn't go as expected honestly kinda like life in general

even though she's her friend she will warn miss vans about the trouble shes going to be in because it prioritizes her safety now THATS a girls girl

locallesbiantook2L's answered question about question
I just knew it was at a very young age when i started reading BL but, it all started when i was REALLY into shoujou manga or just anything with romance then i suddenly got recommendations for BL and thought, huh why not? and once I read 1 you know you can't stop there, so yeah, I read really old-school stuff too like Finder, Junjou Romantica, Super......
locallesbiantook2L's followed question about question

take it lol

10 days
locallesbiantook2L's shared experience about question
ik this ain't an og experience, like after reading such a shitty plot I need a palette cleanser, also what do y'all do to shift away negativity or do you just go about your day like nothing happened

jigu will DEFINITELY fold first and confess by accident

the plot is crazy like imagine being treated like a god just because you're too OP??? like sure you get all you want but humans aren't meant to be gods bro, we can be rulers but being a god is just too much to handle it's really a What the Fuck situation, this schools insaneee

after reading something sinister i have to take a break and listen to rupaul

no.... why is he a stalker that's fucking creepy