I can kinda relate. I’m almost twice your age, but I have no experience in the romance sense. In my case though, the few crushes I’ve had I didn’t really enjoy. I’ve never liked that feeling of having “butterflies in my stomach” and I never wanted to actually date any of my crushes. In my early twenties I figured out I’m asexual, whic......
So I stayed at home for way too long and ended up needing some fresh air. I went into my back garden and straight up starfished on the wet grass. My cat sniffed and judged me... ( ̄∇ ̄")
I'm asexual and I don't even know what romantic orientation (I'm thinking bi?). And I'm finding it very interesting how many asexuals I see on here reading yaoi. You wouldn't think so, but here we are!
Is love unappealing to you? Are you scared of/uninterested in love?