I'll fight all you scary hoes letting your personal input on the translator be known with my whole being. You talking all this shit 'bout my homegirl with an untreated overbite and a low income tax bracket. How you worryin 'bout someone else's commentery on the shit they're paying for? Take your playground bully behavior where it's needed loser(s).
I'm tired of the white as snow fl and basically black ml whose aggressive and barbaric. Like can we get it the other way around at least? No diversity points for you nika
do one
Hope someone takes it to consideration.
Try read : when Jersey whistle, tan fl and snow white ML
But he isn't aggressive and barbaric it's literally story about prejudice
fr. the whole point is that the royal family are hypocrites in their beliefs
but you can’t deny that the whole pale small wife and the big brown man trope is still present .. it’s not like this isn’t the same for pairings that are both pale, but this is fetishized and that critique isn’t wholly wrong. it’s just aware of the trope it plays into ( but hardly, considering the roles are the same lol )
Righttt me too I want a reversed but without calling darker skinned people barbaric. Why is that always what they do in manwha. Whenever the ml is darkskin or there any darker skin characters they’re always “barbaric” or from a place that people call “barbaric”
And the fact that 27 people disliked your comment tells me a lot. people don’t want to have these conversations because they are uncomfortable.
Also guys I have a book recommendation if you guys wanna see it reverse. But it doesn’t focus on romance that’s much. You can clearly tell that the character like each other though. The fl is named Karen. She so pretty
I agree with this troup being the problem in other mangas but not in this one, we have so many white to white couples, having a mix one isn't a problem here, I agree that plot would be better if they didn't have animalistic characteristics but the "barbarians" part isn't the problem here since "barbarian" means people other nationality are below us and this series show that this prejudice is wrong and inaccurate
Also if you want a plot where the white to white couple is from "noble" and "barbaric" sides you can read The Bride of Barbaroi and if you want brown ml and white "barbaric" lover you can read Smyrna & Capri
When I said reverse I meant a tanned or brown fl not a white to white couple. I already see those everywhere.
I think that’s what they also wanted or maybe did I read it wrong?
If you could read with attention then you would know that a second tite is just that and the first is to show you that there are similiar stories that call other parties barbaric even if they are wrong by doing that, so really the skin color doesn't matter if the plot is executed right
Do you have any that don’t call anybody barbaric?
Yeah, like all the freaking romans genre, but we were talking about barbarian theme specifically. Like did you really never read romance about mixed couples? Ever heard about Miles Morales x Gwen Stacy?
Oh yeah and just to be sure if you say "that's not a manga so it doesn't count"
Under the Oak tree
Hungry Souls
Dear 00
Omae ha Watashi no Tsuma ni Nare
Just to name a few ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
I wannna read mixed couples but it’s kinda rare to find ones that aren’t calling ppl barbaric. And when I do it’s always tanned ml.
Ok thanks
There's one more that I forgot to mention "Thirst"
That was exactly what I was referring too.