I personally wouldn’t think so. The red hair guy is too toxic. Mia
Yes I agree he is toxic but so is MC
He is dangling between 2 guys. And d0chan deserves better. Also red Guy and mc is toxic because of their issues. If they get resolved, they'll become better and honestly it's clear that they love each other and emotionally mc only seems to be invested in red hair so him ending up with dochan is a pity play and dochan deserves better than that. A person who will love him only and won't think about another guy every time he is with you
Mc never cheated since they aren't in a relationship jjaxson
Moral levels on an all time lowwwwww. Get help. He literally lead bongchan on and acts like nothing happened. He's a two timing bitch idk what you're on.
Moral levels on an all time lowwwwww. Get help. He literally lead bongchan on and acts like nothing happened. He's a two timing bitch idk what you're on. Ace
You are delusion. Mc was very upfront about what type of relationship (ie: just sex) he wanted from Dochan and he agreed. Then he ended things immediately after having sex with red head. Goodbye
You are delusion. Mc was very upfront about what type of relationship (ie: just sex) he wanted from Dochan and he agreed. Then he ended things immediately after having sex with red head. Goodbye jjaxson
Litteraky like did they forget the convo abt me telling him if he’s fine with him just using dochan or what ever his name is
I hope black hair guy finds someone too and mc and red hair guy should end up together!!
I personally wouldn’t think so. The red hair guy is too toxic.
But so is mc. He literally cheated on our dochan
Yes I agree he is toxic but so is MC
He is dangling between 2 guys. And d0chan deserves better. Also red Guy and mc is toxic because of their issues. If they get resolved, they'll become better and honestly it's clear that they love each other and emotionally mc only seems to be invested in red hair so him ending up with dochan is a pity play and dochan deserves better than that. A person who will love him only and won't think about another guy every time he is with you
Mc never cheated since they aren't in a relationship
Moral levels on an all time lowwwwww. Get help. He literally lead bongchan on and acts like nothing happened. He's a two timing bitch idk what you're on.
You are delusion. Mc was very upfront about what type of relationship (ie: just sex) he wanted from Dochan and he agreed. Then he ended things immediately after having sex with red head. Goodbye
Litteraky like did they forget the convo abt me telling him if he’s fine with him just using dochan or what ever his name is
They aren’t together..