Man idgaf if he dies anymore, this plot is crazy. Show the other cute guys too. Need to see more of the black haired one so bad.
I don't think so because Jin seems to be a magnet and have a history with blondes that have red eyes, and he's only ever called Tehir and Charin attractive, so more than anything I think the author is pretty much setting up the stage for Jin x Tehir. As well as Jin and Tehir seem to have a big feature in each other's past when they were in the daycare. Jin 'bullied' Tehir which fucked Tehir up, leaving him to hold strong feelings 'against' Jin until today and the only sunnyside daycare classmate Jin seem to have ever interacted with, in those days, was Tehir.
I mean I don't think its random that when Jin got separated from the other Sunnyside Daycare classmates, he went and fell in love with a blonde with red eyes who closely resembled his former blonde Sunnyside Daycare classmate: Tehir. I think it'll be very weird for the author to make Jin only ever call the Blondes with red eyes attractive and have Jin go on a whole rollercoaster ride with his emotions with one of those blondes to then make him end up with a black-hair dude where Jin never really had any positive opinions about, or even had a slight inclination of attraction towards.
(oops my first comment didn't work) So far I'm really impressed with the themes and characterization that I have faith in the author cooking up something worth while. Definitely want to see why the author plays on these themes and the intent of certain characterization on our different unique characters. Hehhehe I'm really keen!
I hope the illustrator gets well soon though, I know they spend a lot of time drawing and rarely take care of their health :/