In a world where demi-beasts and humans co-exist, Riku Kurobuchi, a panther demi-beast, finds himsel...
- Author: Minomushi momonoki
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut
Geonmin's been having R-rated dreams about his upperclassman recently. When he's no longer...
- Author: TEKTEK
- Genres: Ecchi / Webtoons / Romance / Yaoi / Fantasy / Supernatural
Hitomi has a secret crush on his kind and muscular neighbor, Kamiya.Hitomi always brings him extra f...
- Author: Pokerou
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut
Young college student Nonohiko is faced with a dilemma: his super-cheap college dorm has been closed...
- Author: Owaru
- Genres: Comedy / Romance / Yaoi / Smut
Miki Donoue has been plagued by bad luck since childhood... Then, one evening, he encounters a myste...
- Author: Hitomi
- Genres: Yaoi / Supernatural
"You look innocent... but you like it dirty, don't you?" "The idol I'm a fa...
- Author: AMATSUKI Teno
- Genres: Romance / Smut / Yaoi
"Just thinking I'm about to ink his body... fills me with intense euphoria."Rookie ta...
- Author: kashima kotaru
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi
"Just thinking I'm about to ink his body... fills me with intense euphoria."Rookie ta...
- Author: kashima kotaru
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi
As a popular out gay man in his neighborhood, Kiumi is a college student in the middle of enjoying t...
- Author: Shikke
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Slice Of Life / Yaoi / Smut
Okay explain to me what the hell happened to the little demon girl, every time they went to bang??? Did she evaporate or something? Like shes there one moment and then bam shes gone as soon as they need to do the deed
?Your the one who told be to be a bait? From a young age, he is bewitched by the supernatural. One d...
- Author: Fumi tsuyuhisa
- Genres: Yaoi / Supernatural
"Do you want to mess me up?" An erotic BL marriage story between a puppy-esque husband and...
- Author: Yukiharu
- Genres: Yaoi / Smut
?Your the one who told be to be a bait? From a young age, he is bewitched by the supernatural. One d...
- Author: Fumi tsuyuhisa
- Genres: Yaoi / Supernatural
Mikado -- a narcissistic, spoiled, school-idol type rich boy -- falls in love at first sight with an...
- Author: moudama chokusen
- Genres: Comedy / School Life / Shounen Ai
A story between high school boys who are childhood friends(Chapter 1 found in Cheri+ magazine, March...
- Author: SCARLET Beriko
- Genres: Romance / School Life / Yaoi
In my neighbourhood, there's a gelato store called "Supernova". The facade is a littl...
- Author: KITAHALA Lyee
- Genres: Drama / Romance / Yaoi
Too deply in love model x Hairdresser who isn't good at being alone!The feelings of two people conti...
- Author: Doji
- Genres: Yaoi / Drama / Romance