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teaquilla January 28, 2021 6:49 am

GUYS IT JUST CLICKED! Ho has lost three of his senses -- taste, smell, and touch. The title is called SIXTH SENSE. There are FIVE human senses. Perhaps the "Sixth [Human?] Sense" is going to be something abstract like love, trust, confidence, or something? Perhaps a "sense" Ho will develop during character growth?

Or maybe I'm just crazy lol

    Gitchq February 9, 2021 1:16 am

    Uuh that sounds plausible though~~

teaquilla August 2, 2020 6:23 am

I LOVE the concept of this -- "mermaids are jealous creatures" and the fact that eating parts of a mermaid will cure you. The interpretation of mermaids is so cool too -- having more than just a tail, they also grow horns and tentacles that allow them to prop themselves upright on land. Absolutely beautiful.

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dont really know why im on this site so much but....here i still am!

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