Soooo her parents aren't going to notice that she and their newborn grand daughter are MIA...? I also assume that it's all about appearances for the husband so how would it look if he doesn't know where his own family is. That part of the plot is just stupid....but I'll still read it because she is so freakin cute
Most of the Haekangs problems could have been avoided if the the father just told him that Gyeun wasn't a girl. I don't understand why he wouldn't correct his son. Also why not fully disclose what has to happen with the wedding. I like the story and the couple a lot but honestly why not tell them these things when they're going to find out any way. Kind of annoying
I think the dad didn't correct him because he knew eventually that they would have to be married at one point. Which doesn't help at all because sooner or later he would find out that he wasn't a girl