Seriously I'll do anything for him iswear whatthefuck
Shutup am simping so hard for mr han whatthehellI just wanna keep seeing his beautiful smile omg
Wait!!!-Usshii Ace queen??!!!Usshii Ace queen I'll protect you with my whole being
Dropped it after realizing Romi aint coming back BigfatF
wdym romi aint coming back? who is romi?
Romi was the pink hair girl who randomly disappeared right?
I think she said she was just using him to get rid of the red head.
yea that makes sense, but it seemed like she still had lingering feelings from the past but they werent strong enough to confess
I'll protect Kim aeyi with my whole life He's is so precious my asexual king
Ohno I had a crush for Miyashita
Testu is into pegging. No lo digo yo lo dice la ciencia y Meg
Seriously I'll do anything for him iswear whatthefuck