Some of y’all haven’t dealt with an addict in real life and it shows. There is absolutely nothing Shin can do to help Gren in the state that he’s in right now. The fact that Gren was blaming Shin for his actions and was talking about killing a person together and running away, shows that Gren is not on the right state of mind.
Shin is being responsible is keeping his distance (which is sometimes the only thing you can do for an addict) and protecting Jay by not talking about him. Because Shin knows that Gren is Jay’s weakness and will cause harm to Jay. And Shin cares for Jay so he wants to keep him as safe as he can, you know with Jay being a gangster.
I will repeat this until the end of time. You can’t help a person who doesn’t want help. Or isn’t ready to get help. Gren isn’t in s place where he wants help. He isn’t even in a place for rational thought. There is nothing Shin can do right now to help. Giving in would mean enabling Gren even more. The best thing for Gren is to stay in rehab and work on himself but from the looks of it, he doesn’t want to get better so he’s probably going to fuck up Shin’s life somehow.