Would it still be called an affair or cheating if Nux will have any relationship with any of Asperier's alter ego?? I'm kinda confused. For me they may be part of Owen Asperier but they're all different people...like twins..yeah like how identical twins can be they're still different people. My head's spinning. I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm saying either hahaha

Where's Chapter 116??

This website has 116

Byul is so beautiful. Byul is so handsome. Damn. He grew up fast. I feel so old. Haha Beautiful Byul is in adolescent stage and is going through puberty. What a miracle, he also have a baby sibling now. It seems he not just inherited his mother's features, but also his mother's brain and attitude. But really I don't know how to feel. I don't think I'm ready for an adult Byul and at the same time I'm excited too. But oh how about baby Bin, Chowon's princess?? I bet she become a beauty too. I hope Baby Bin got her mother's beauty and her father's kind heart
Hyesung and Dojin didn't get old. They even become more beautiful. They aren't vampires right?? Oh, to be forever young.
This is so funny. I'm loving it