More freedom in my life, and to have someone specific genuinely listen to my words
"Sometimes your best just isn't enough." Said to me by my crisis counselor when I was 17
I think people would normally take that in a very discouraging way, which I did too at first but I kinda ended up understanding it later down the road as a more self worth thing (which is the context in which it was said.) Sometimes you will give 110% and it ......
Can you report someone on mangago? I hope u can but I feel like you can't but I wish you could. I'm not even that irritated with it i just feel the need to have something done about it (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Eh I feel like omegaverse had its time and now guideverse will have its own time or it did, idk
Female and bisexual. I am soooo curious about this
This seems like so many different anime and manga. Check out:
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
I haven't actually read or watched it fully but it seems similar to what you're asking for, though I dont think its what you want.
The other thing this reminds me of is one particular chapter of The Seven Deadly Sins.
I cant stand when one person in the relationship loses all of their worth and becomes a puddle of mush. They are like a decent normal person but then after marrying or getting together with their partner they're suddenly mush in all aspects and fields?
What the hell? Especially when I liked the character before, it's so irritating!
My late friend had a favorite artist who's name I always mispronounced as Hazley, so I use Hazley to honor her
I've been told I gave funny responses or reactions to normal situations so I end up being comedic relief. Really tho I'm just a bit blunt and I respond as I want.
So no I don't think I am funny, but maybe others would say otherwise?
I have a job so I do have money, probably a decent bit at this point. (I've been saving since god knows when) I spend the minimum to live comfortably. So that means I don't really go out and if I do it's just for a drink or something once every few months. I get things I need and restock whenever I run out, I don't usually buy too many new things a......
HUHHH? Why would you do that to yourself? I thought that guy was a convicted felon? Damn in not even American and that makes me sick
Spider Lilies! I love the red ones (Lycoris radiata), tho they don't grow where I live unfortunately.
There's also a particular type of spider lily you can drink the sap from, which I remember from my childhood but I don't know the common name of, the Crinum asiaticum I believe.
But on that note if you do come across a spider lily don't drink th......
This guy: therealsamalkhatib
He's not really my favorite but man the LOREEEE
Who are your favorite online people?
05 11,2024
My cat and I think my friends would be sad.
but also ignoring all that yap u know dont kill yourself and what not its kinda frustrating to be tied down by things you love
A list for the picky Isekai reader! (Updated Regularly)
Nothing below a 9.4 rating, full color, Manhwa only, and compelling stories.
My List Series based on ratings:
10 – 9.4: this list
9.3 – 9.1:
9.0 and below:
I genuinely believe that Americans have been brain washed into feeling guilt for thinking about sex, much less enjoying it, specially women. So immoral, boohoo! Sure, men get some flack for watching or reading porn, but it is mainly viewed as "oh well men are men and they have strong sex drives, it's in their nature". But a woman who has a strong......
Being busy?
Idk feels wrong I can't think of anything but my classes and I suppose my cat
"You don't deserve anything" which was said after probably pre-teen me tried expressing that I deserved to be treated like a human.
Another along the same lines "You have no rights, you belong to me" likely the same argument different time